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Canadian Zinc Corporation - PC2014L8-0006

Construction and use of an all weather road, with creek crossing structures exceeding 5m in width. Road crosses federal (IAB) Lands from approximately Km156-164. Road crosses the Nahanni National Park Reserve from approximately Km17-100 where the jurisdiction is Parks Canada.

This Water Licence is accompanied by Permit PC2014F0013

Please Note: This Water Licence and associated Permit are linked to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board Land Use Permit MV2014F0013, Water Licence MV2014L8-0006 and Water Licence MV2019L8-0002

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Displaying 1 - 90 of 90
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
CZN - ASR - Draft Licence (Parks Canada) - Mar8_21.pdf (646.64 KB)
PC014F0013 PC2014L8-0006 - Canadian Zinc - Final Security Estimates - Oct 3_19.pdf (1.07 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - ITRP Terms of Reference -Sept13-19.pdf (76.59 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - ASR Water Draw Points -Sept16-19.pdf (16.86 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - ASR Water Draw Points Table -Sept16-19.pdf (59.39 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Lakes for Water Withdrawal -Sept16-19.pdf (4.54 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Letter re Sundog diversion - Apr 6_19.pdf (11.29 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-2 Access Road Maps 1-10,000 Version 2 - Mar13-19.pdf (74.67 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Draft Work Plan - March12-19.pdf (96.22 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-14 Studies to Date - Feb20-19.pdf (304.96 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-13 Construction Camp Layout Drawings - Feb20-19.pdf (7.65 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-11-12 Borrow Pit Info - Feb20-19.pdf (17.31 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-10 Draft Borrow Pit Mngt an Rec Plan - Feb20-19.pdf (341.45 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-9 Summary of Minor Stream Crossings - Feb20-19.pdf (391.26 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-8 Stream Crossing Hydrology Data - Feb20-19.pdf (7.65 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-7 Stream Crossing General Arrngmt Drawings - Feb20-19.pdf (59.12 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 15-1 Draft Road Operations and Maintenance - Feb20-19.pdf (22.11 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 14-1 Draft Sediment Erosion Ctrl Plan - Feb20-19.pdf (19.82 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 13-1 Draft Geochemical Verification Program - Feb20-19.pdf (6.69 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 12-1 Draft Waste Mngt Plan - Feb20-19.pdf (13.59 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 11-1 Draft Road CRP - Feb20-19.pdf (22.87 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 10-1 Preliminary Geotechnical Report - Feb20-19.pdf (24.1 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 10 Draft Permafrost Mngt Plan and Data - Feb20-19.pdf (51.59 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 9 Draft Invasive Species Mngt Plan and Data - Feb20-19.pdf (60.88 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 8-1 AIA non-technical summary - Feb20-19.pdf (296.03 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 7 Engagement Records- Letters- Plan - Feb20-19.pdf (2.93 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 5 Draft WMMP and Data Report - Feb20-19.pdf (45.63 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 3-1 Candidate CVs - Feb20-19.pdf (3.22 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 2-1 Updated Commitments Table - Feb20-19.pdf (594.67 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-16 Liard River Crossing Drawings - Feb20-19.pdf (5.52 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-6 ASR Design Drawings - Series 300 - Feb20-19.pdf (29.04 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-6 ASR Design Drawings - Series 200 - Feb20-19.pdf (20.59 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-6 ASR Design Drawings - Series 100 - Feb20-19.pdf (28.48 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-6 ASR Design Drawings - Series 000 - Feb20-19.pdf (36.57 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-5 Non-Typical Winter Road Section Design Drawings - Feb20-19.pdf (42.79 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-4 Draft Land Use Permit - Feb20-19.pdf (459.48 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-3 Draft Road Construction Mngt Plan - Feb20-19.pdf (3.05 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-2 Access Road Maps 1-10000 - Feb20-19.pdf (74.65 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-1 Access Road Maps 1-150,000 - Feb20-19.pdf (2.01 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 4-1 Draft Traffic Control Plan - Feb20-19.pdf (3.31 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-6 ASR Design Drawings - Series 900 - Feb20-19.pdf (20.5 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-6 ASR Design Drawings - Series 800 - Feb20-19.pdf (26.39 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-6 ASR Design Drawings - Series 700 - Feb20-19.pdf (28.18 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-6 ASR Design Drawings - Series 600 - Feb20-19.pdf (15.09 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-6 ASR Design Drawings - Series 500 - Feb20-19.pdf (34.51 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 1-6 ASR Design Drawings - Series 400 - Feb20-19.pdf (25.5 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 16-1 Draft Explosives Mngt Plan - Feb20-19.pdf (22.13 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 17-1 Draft Spill Contingency Plan - Feb20-19.pdf (25.16 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 28-1 RECLAIM Cost Estimate Parks Lands - Feb20-19.pdf (1.62 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 27 App.5-1 Draft Rare Plnt Mngt Plan and Data - Feb20-19.pdf (39.73 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 26-1 Draft Sundog Creek Diversion Plan - Feb20-19.pdf (47.37 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App 22 Avalanche Hzrd and Safety - Feb20-19.pdf (22.69 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - App17-2 Health Safety and ERP - Feb20-19.pdf (45.99 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Post-EA Information Package - Feb 20-19.pdf (5.59 MB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
PC2014F0013 PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Approval - ITRP Terms of Reference - Jan22-20.pdf (31.82 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - LKFN Letter and CZN Response Re EMA - Nov6-19.pdf (790.89 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Letter from NBDB - Nov14-19.pdf (930.08 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - IR Response -Revised Waste Management Plan - Oct16_19.pdf (9.72 MB)
PC2014F0013 PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Coorespondance RE CZN WMMP - Oct10_19.pdf (541.73 KB)
PC2014F0013 PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - wildlife_comments_Phase 1 and 2.xlsx (291.75 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - All-Season Road - Draft LUP and WL - IFR faxed to Dehcho Distribution List - Aug16-19.pdf (252.93 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - All-Season Road - Independent Technical Review Panel ToR - IFR faxed to Dehcho Dist. List - Sept30-19.pdf (312.65 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Draft Water Licence Conditions.pdf (1.2 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Correspondence Re-Technical Panel - Jul12-19.pdf (375.9 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Comments and Responses - Initial Application - May15-19.pdf (22.82 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Prairie Creek ASR Security Estimate NNPR May10_19.pdf (2.55 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - All-Season Road Project - Extension to Comment Response Deadline Granted - May1-19.pdf (80.6 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - request for comment response deadline extension Apr28_19.pdf (92.24 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - All-Season Road Project - Additional Information Submitted - Comment Deadline Extended - Apr9-19.pdf (103.84 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - ECCC Review Extension Request - Mar15-19.pdf (167.62 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Review Extension Request - Mar14-19.pdf (416.67 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Request for comments on Water Licence Application - Mar12-19.pdf (374.83 KB)
Environmental Assessment
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Report of Environmental Assessment - All-Weather Road - RFD - MVEIRB - Sept12-17.pdf (4.4 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Minister to Review Board - Decision on EA - Oct9-18.pdf (141.26 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Review Board to Minister - Letter to recommend approval of Report of EA - Sept12 -17.pdf (136.73 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - All-Season Road - Post-EA Information Pkg Required - Oct9-18.pdf (2.52 MB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Preliminary Screening Determination - Aug 20_19.pdf (408.71 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - All Season Road - Preliminary Screening Determination - Staff Report and Comments - Aug 8_19.pdf (1.79 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Preliminary Screening Notification to Review Board - Aug 9_19.pdf (386.43 KB)
Technical Session
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Sundog Mitigation and Monitoring Plan DRAFT IR12 - Jul16-19.pdf (33.6 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Tech Session Information Request Responses - Security (IR8) - Jul2-19.pdf (1.53 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CNZ - Tech Session Information Request Responses - Technical Panel Appointees - Jun26-19.pdf (3.2 MB)
PC2014FL8-0006 - CZN - All-Season Road Project Proceeding - Tech Session Transcripts Available - Jun13-19.pdf (78 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Prairie Creek - Technical Session Transctiprs for June 7 2019 - Jun12-19.pdf (657.63 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Prairie Creek - Information Requests - Jun11-19.pdf (830.44 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Prairie Creek - Technical Session Transctiprs for June 6 2019 - Jun12-19.pdf (1.14 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Prairie Creek - Technical Session Transctiprs for June 5 2019 - Jun12-19.pdf (1.23 MB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Notice of Technical Session Agenda - June3-19.pdf (309.76 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - Technical Session Agenda - June3-19.pdf (233.74 KB)
PC2014L8-0006 - CZN - All-Season Road - Technical Session Draft Agenda - May27-19.pdf (563.72 KB)