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Who We Are

The Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB) is a regulatory authority that originates from Part 4 of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA). The roles and responsibilities of the MVLWB include:

  • Reviewing and making decisions on transboundary projects;
  • Ensuring consistent application of the MVRMA up and down the Mackenzie Valley; and,
  • Reviewing and making decisions on applications filed in the regions where land claims have not been settled.

The MVLWB meets at least once per year. The Section 103 Panel meets regularly to make decisions respecting applications in the regions where land claims have not been settled or for transboundary applications.

The MVLWB consists of:

  • The MVLWB Chairperson, nominated by the majority of the members and appointed by the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC);
  • Five members of the Sahtu Land and Water Board;
  • Five members of the Gwich’in Land and Water Board;
  • Five members of the Wek'èezhìı Land and Water Board; and,
  • Four members appointed pursuant to Section 99 of the MVRMA.

All members are appointed by the Minister of INAC, except for the Tłı̨chǫ nominees to the WLWB, who are appointed by the Tłı̨chǫ Government (TG). All members appointed are members of the MVLWB. 


MVLWB Thumnail

Tanya MacIntosh - Chair

Lesley Allen - Canada

Debbie Watsyk - Dehcho First Nations

Cathie Bolstad - Akaitcho Territory Government



Elizabeth Wright - Chair

Deanna Smith – GTC

William Koe – GNWT



Philippe di Pizzo – GNWT

Violet Doolittle – Canada

Gina Dolphus - SSI



Mason Mantla – Chair 

Mike Nitsiza – GNWT

Rachel Crapeau – Canada

Jocelyn Zoe – TG

Regan Jeremick’ca – TG

The MVLWB is supported by a Chairs Committee, an Executive Directors Committee, and staff from the MVLWB Yellowknife office and from the offices of the Regional Boards, as required.  The offices of the GLWB, SLWB, and WLWB are located in Inuvik, Fort Good Hope, and Wekweètì respectively. The WLWB has a second office in Yellowknife.

Updated: 24/03/2025