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Canadian Zinc Corporation - MV2014L8-0006

For non-federal portion of the road. 

​Construction and use of an all weather road, with creek crossing structures exceeding 5m in width. Road crosses federal (IAB) Lands from approximately Km156-164. Road crosses the Nahanni National Park Reserve from approximately Km17-100 where the jurisdiction is Parks Canada. 

This Water Licence is accompanied by Permit MV2014F0013 and Water Licence MV2019L8-0002

Please Note: This Water Licence and associated Permit are linked to Parks Canada Land Use Permit PC2014F0013 and Water Licence PC2014L8-0006.


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Displaying 1 - 18 of 18
5. Reports and Studies
Designs and As-Builts
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
CZN - ASR - As-built Non-Conformity Correspondence - Nov30_23.pdf (150.84 KB)
CZN - ASR - Phase 2 - Mapbook - KM 103-170 - Nov16_23.pdf (11.69 MB)
CZN - ASR - Phase 2 - Mapbook - KM 0-103 - Nov16_23.pdf (13.92 MB)
CZN - ASR - Winter Road Deactivation Drawings - July 24_23.pdf (11.55 MB)
CZN - ASR - Memo Re Winter Road As-Built and Deactivation Drawings - July 24_23.pdf (8.06 MB)
CZN - ASR - Non-Typical Winter Road As-Built Drawings - July 24_23.pdf (9.16 MB)
CZN - ASR - Phase 1 DCP V2.1 - Conformity Confirmation - Jan10_23.pdf (149.87 KB)
CZN - ASR - Phase 1 DCP V2.1 - Dec9_22.pdf (52.38 MB)
CZN - Acknowledgment - Design and Construction Plan v2 - Nov22_22.pdf (202.67 KB)
CZN - ASR - Phase 1 DCP V2 - Nov8_22.pdf (55.79 MB)
CZN - ASR - Phase 1 DCP V2 Appendix B - Nov8_22.pdf (50.96 MB)
CZN - ASR - Phase 1 DCP V2 Liard Ice Bridge Stamped - Nov8_22.pdf (8.06 MB)
CZN - ASR - Phase 1 DCP V2 - ITRP Letter - Nov8_22.pdf (168.58 KB)
CZN - ASR – Acknowledgement - Design and Construction Plan - Oct14_22.pdf (193.08 KB)
CZN - ASR - DCP - ITRP Acceptance Letter for DCP - Aug22_22.pdf (694.04 KB)
CZN - ASR - Winter Road Design and Construction Plan Updated - Aug22_22.pdf (46.83 MB)
CZN - DCP Phase 1 - Version 1 - Correspondence - Jan17_22.pdf (192.02 KB)
CZN - ITRP Acceptance Letter - Detailed Construction Plan - Jan17_22.pdf (676.53 KB)