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Canadian Zinc Corporation - PC2014F0013

Construction, maintenance and use of an all weather road approximately 170 km long connecting the Prairie Creek Mine to the TetcelaTransfer Facility (TTF, Phase 1), and from the TTF to the Nahanni Butte access road which in turn joins the Liard Highway (Phase 2) to allow haulage of mineral concentrates out, and operating supplies in. Cleared normal right-of-way to be up to 20 m wide but may be up to 35 m when there are steep side-slopes, road surface width 5-8 m. Road crosses federal (IAB) Lands from approximately Km156-164. Road crosses the Nahanni National Park Reserve from approximately Km17-100 where the jurisdiction is Parks Canada. Barge landing/set-down areas both sides of Liard River.

This Permit is accompanied by Water Licence PC2014L8-0006

Please Note: This Permit and associated Water Licence are linked to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board Land Use Permit MV2014F0013, Water Licence MV2014L8-0006 and Water Licence MV2019L8-0002


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
CZN - ASR - Phase 1 Winter Road - Drilling Locations - Feb4_25.pdf (833.59 KB)
CZN - ASR - Parks Canada Correspondence Re Drilling at Tetcela - Stop Work Order and Resume - Mar23_23.pdf (2.44 MB)
CZN - ASR - Parks Canada Email to CZN - Unapproved Work in Water - Mar18_23.pdf (775.13 KB)
CZN - ASR - Parks Canada Deactivation Directives - Mar21_23.pdf (119.71 KB)
CZN - ASR - Parks Canada Info Request for Deactivation Plan and CZN Responses - Mar21_23.pdf (695.71 KB)
CZN - ASR - Winter Road Deactivation KP25 Crossing - Apr1_23.pdf (10.41 MB)
CZN - ASR - Winter Road Deactivation KP28 Non-Typical - Mar31_23.pdf (6.49 MB)
CZN - ASR - Winter Road Deactivation Plan KP17 to 40 - Mar22_23.pdf (11.76 MB)
CZN - ASR - Winter Road Deactivation Plan KP17 to 40 - May9_23.pdf (15.66 MB)
CZN - ASR - Winter Road Deactivation Plan KP40 to 101 - Mar22_23.pdf (3.86 MB)
CZN - ASR - Winter Road Deactivation Plan KP40 to 101 - May10_23.pdf (4.83 MB)
CZN - ASR - CZN Response to Parks Directive NAH2023-001 - Mar1_23.pdf (13.96 MB)
CZN - ASR - CZN Geotechnical Investigation Details - Mar1_23.pdf (7.95 MB)
CZN - ASR - Email Re Info Request for Geotechnical Investigations - Mar16_23.pdf (998.86 KB)
CZN - ASR - Email Re Info Request for Geotechnical Investigations - Mar23_23.pdf (1.01 MB)
CZN - ASR - PC Email Geotechnical Information Request - Dec1_22.pdf (843.58 KB)
CZN - ASR - Mitigation and Remediation Plan for Unapproved Non-Typical Winter Road - Mar4_23.pdf (5.8 MB)
CZN - ASR - Parks Canada Comments on Deactivation at KP25 and 28 - Apr6_23.pdf (799.5 KB)
CZN - ASR - Winter Road Deactivation KP25 Crossing - Mar31_23.pdf (6.88 MB)
CZN - ASR - Parks Canada Acknowledgement of Deactivation Plans - Jun21_23.pdf (850.33 KB)
CZN - ASR - Parks Canada Comments for Deactivation Plans and Scouten Responses - May9_23.pdf (502.48 KB)
CZN - ASR - Comments and Responses - Deactivation Plan - May8_23.xlsx (44.15 KB)
CZN - ASR - Parks Canada Directive NAH2023-001 - Feb22_23.pdf (1.34 MB)
CZN - ASR - Parks Canada Response to CZN - Directive NAH2023-001 - Mar2_23.pdf (1.39 MB)
CZN - ASR - Partial Approval with Conditions of Geotechnical Work - Mar10_23.pdf (847.93 KB)
CZN - ASR - Cutline Access Locations Geotechnical Details - Mar14_23.pdf (8.71 MB)
CZN - ASR - CZN Email Provision of Geotechnical Details - Mar1_23.pdf (863.8 KB)
CZN - ASR - Request to Change Annual Report Submision Date - Mar17_23.pdf (165.22 KB)
PC - ASR - Notification of Commencemet Staging Area - Sep20_22.pdf (333.34 KB)