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City of Yellowknife - MV2021X0023

​The City of Yellowknife 2022 winter geotechnical drilling program involving specific sections of five City roads. Approximately 20 boreholes will be advanced using an auger drill (equipped with a rock hammer)  either to bedrock or to a depth where ice rich permafrost is not encountered.

The five City road sections to be evaluated are as follows:
・ Franklin Avenue between 44 Street and 41 Street (Franklin Hill) 
・ 44 Street between Franklin Ave. and the driveway for Kimberlite Career and Technical Centre (44 Street hill) 
・ 49A Avenue between 43 Street and 41A Street
・ Deh Cho Blvd between Kam Lake Road and Ellesmere Drive 
・ Kam Lake Road between Coronation Drive and Curry Drive 

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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
City of Yellowknife – Issuance - Type A Land Use Permit - Feb9_22.pdf (817.59 KB)
City of Yellowknife – Issuance - Staff Report and Comments - Feb3_22.pdf (527.37 KB)
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
City of Yellowknife – Approval - Final and Plan Clearance - Mar 8_24.pdf (168.07 KB)
City of Yellowknife - Final Plan - Inspector Recommendation - Feb 14_24.pdf (688.69 KB)
City of Yellowknife - Final Plan - Feb 14_24.pdf (477.9 KB)
City of Yellowknife - Land Use Permit Expiry Reminder - February 8 2024.pdf (3.17 MB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
City of Yellowknife - Application Fee Receipt - Dec22_21.pdf (63.69 KB)
City of Yellowknife - Draft Conditions - Dec17_21.pdf (304.08 KB)
City of Yellowknife - Engagement Plan and Record - Dec15_21.pdf (4.64 MB)
City of Yellowknife - Waste Management Plan - Dec15_21.pdf (3.71 MB)
City of Yellowknife - Spill Contingency Plan - Dec15_21.pdf (4.4 MB)
City of Yellowknife - Land Use Permit Application Form - Dec15_21.pdf (750.14 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
City of Yellowknife - Notification - Preliminary Screening Determination - Jan28_22.pdf (162.09 KB)
City of Yellowknife - Preliminary Screening Determination and Reasons for Decision - Jan28_22.pdf (222.03 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
City of Yellowknifer - LUI Notification - Cessastion of Drilling - Apr8_22.pdf (3.13 MB)