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​Great Bear Lake Remediation project encompassing Silver Bear Mines (including Terra, Northrim, Norex, Graham Vein and Smallwood Mines), El Bonanza Mines (including El Bonanza and Bonanza), Contact Lake Mine and Sawmill Bay Mine. These remediation projects will restore these abandoned sites to their original state as much as possible. Associated Land Use Permit is S09D-001.​


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal Application - Deemed Complete - May 27_15.pdf (239.21 KB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix A - Design Drawings - May 26_15.PDF (37.47 MB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix D - Summary of Proposed Remediation Activities - May 26_15.PDF (31.29 KB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix E - Engagement Plan and Record - May 26_15.pdf (1.24 MB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix G - Water Quality Monitoring Program - May 26_15.PDF (1.69 MB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix H - Transportation Route - May 26_15.PDF (1.58 MB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix I - Proposed Mitigation Measures - May 26_15.PDF (26.9 KB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix J - Draft Specifications - May 26_15.PDF (151.18 KB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix F - Site Specific Hydrocarbon Cleanup Criteria Report - May 26_15.PDF (528.46 KB)
S15L8-001 - GBL Water Licence Renewal Application - May 26_15.pdf (780.91 KB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix B - Maps - May 26_15.PDF (1.54 MB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix C - Contractor Submission Requirements - May 26_15.PDF (19.82 KB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Appendix L - Spill Contingency Plan - May 26_15.PDF (420.9 KB)
S15L8-001 - Notification to Affected Parties - WL renewal and LUP extension - May 26_15.PDF (1.15 MB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal - Clarification to Terms and Conditions - Jan 19_12 Meeting Minutes - May 25_15.pdf (87.59 KB)
S15L8-001 - GBL WL Renewal Application - Deemed Incomplete - May 22_15.pdf (240.29 KB)