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GNWT-INF - MV2023L8-0005

​Hay River Harbour Restoration Project for dredging sediment to create a channel to maintain viability of key marine operations for both Government and Industry.


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Inspector Response to pump-off request - Aug15_24.pdf (513.02 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Notification - Dredging commencement - Jul5_24.pdf (213.33 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - TSS-NTU Relationship - May30_24.xlsx (36.97 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Sampling Results - May16_24.pdf (2 MB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Naturally Elevated Turbidity - Nov8_23.pdf (314.89 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Stockpile Area 1 Sump Water - Means of Disposal - Nov1_23.pdf (1.22 MB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Monitoring Program Update - Oct25_23.pdf (328.74 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Stockpile Area 1 Sump Water - Oct24_23.pdf (378.36 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Water Monitoring Program Update and Sampling Results - Oct2_23.pdf (759.64 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Naturally Elevated Turbidity Levels - Sep27_23.pdf (231.21 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Email Correspondence - Re Response to Recommencing Notification - Sep20_23.pdf (260.1 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - KFN Letter in Response to Recommencing Notification - Sep20_23.pdf (156.83 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Work Timeline Extension Request - Sep15_23.pdf (5.29 MB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Notification of Recommencing Operations - Sep15_23.pdf (82.07 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Updated SNP Locations and Inspector Response - Jul31_23.pdf (1.84 MB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Notification - Commencing Operations - Water Resource Officer Response - Jul26.pdf (233.33 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Commencing Operations - Turbitiy Curve for Monitoring Plan - Jul26_23.pdf (253.95 KB)
GNWT-INF - HR Harbour - Notification of Commencing Operation - Jul24_23.pdf (98.59 KB)