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Devonian Metals Inc. - MV2022C0016

Diamond drilling and exploration project on the Wrigley Zinc property near Wrigley, NT.
Renewal for Permit MV2008C0020. 


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Devonian - LUP Renewal Application - Cover Letter - Oct4_22.pdf (492.95 KB)
Devonian - LUP Application - Oct4_22.pdf (193.42 KB)
Devonian - Wrigley Project Plan Fig 1 - Oct4_22.pdf (246.53 KB)
Devonian - Camp Plan Fig 2 - Oct4_22.pdf (51.28 KB)
Devonian - Wrigley Overview Plan Fig 3 - Oct4_22.pdf (2.12 MB)
Devonian - Engagement Record - Oct4_22.pdf (402.13 KB)
Devonian - Waste Management Plan - Oct4_22.pdf (50.6 KB)
Devonian - Spill Contingency Plan - Maps - Oct4_22.pdf (290.16 KB)
Devonian - Spill Contingency Plan - Oct4_22.pdf (56.19 KB)
Devonian - Spill Contingency Plan - Appendix.pdf (755.51 KB)
Devonian - LUP Application - Incomplete - Oct5_22.pdf (197.48 KB)
Withdrawal - Return - Denial
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Devonian - Land Use Permit Application - Withdrawn - Jan4_23.pdf (148.82 KB)