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Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd. - MV2020L2-0002

​Mineral Exploration new Discovery Lake. All exploration and development work will be focused on four initiatives:

1. Underground development and sampling of the A-Zone

2. Expansion of the A-Zone laterally and to depth

3. Exploration of potential shear zone gold targets

4. Exploration of volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) targets.

Previouly, Water Licence MV2014L2-0002 and Permit MV2013C0021) and mining and milling (Licence MV2015L2-0004 and MV2015C0015).



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5. Reports and Studies
Inspection Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Sixty North - March 5 Inspection Report - April 10_24.pdf (1.11 MB)