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Town of Hay River - MV2019L3-0010

​Hay River Municipal - water usage and waste deposit (renewal of MV2009L3-0005)


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6. Management Plans
Water Management
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Hay River - ENR groundwater data compilation Tables 4 5 6 7 8 - Mar17-20.pdf (328.88 KB)
Hay River - ENR Tables 1 to 3 - Groundwater Quality Variations at Hay River Landfill Site - Mar17-20.pdf (38.98 KB)
Hay River - ENR Tables 9 10 11 - SNP 0053-7 Historic Data Compilation - Mar17-20.pdf (195.3 KB)
Hay River - ENR groundwater data compilation - Figure 1 - Al Graphs - Mar17-20.pdf (367.82 KB)
Hay River - Plan reviews extension request from TOHR - Mar18-20.pdf (194.95 KB)
Hay River - Renewal - Water Monitoring Plan V1 - Sep16-19.pdf (2.87 MB)