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Northwest Territories Power Corporation - MV2019L1-0001

Jackfish Power Generating Facility, located on the northeast shore of Jackfish Lake in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The facility contributes power to the North Slave electrical system when required.

Previously licenced by Water Licence N1L1-1632.


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8. Closure and Reclamation
Conceptual Closure and Reclamation Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
NTPC - Jackfish - Conceptual Closure and Abandondment Restoration Plan - Jul5_22.pdf (706.25 KB)
MV2019L1-0001 - NTPC - Jackfish - New WL Application - Conceptual Abandonment and Restoration Plan - Feb26-19.pdf (218.82 KB)
Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
NTPC - Jackfish - Closure and Abandonment Plan - Cover Letter - Dec22_22.pdf (85.41 KB)
NTPC - Jackfish - Closure and Abandonment Plan - Dec22_22.pdf (679.11 KB)
NTPC - Jackfish - Intermin Closure and Reclamation Plan V1.1 - Staff Conformity - Dec22_22.pdf (158.08 KB)
NTPC – Jackfish - Revisions Required - Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan V1 - Oct28_22.pdf (212.74 KB)