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Remediation of Tundra Mine Site. 
Accompanied by Licence MV2016L8-0003. 


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2016X0011 MV2016L8-0003 - INAC-CARD - Tundra Mine - Type A WL Type A LUP - Staff Report and Comments - Oct20-16.pdf (2.97 MB)
MV2016L8-0003 MV2016X0011 - INAC CARD - Tundra - Water Licence and Land Use Permit -Sep26_16.pdf (611.16 KB)
MV2016X0011 - INAC-CARD - Tundra - Draft LUP Conditions - Aug16-16.pdf (188.89 KB)
MV2016X0011 MV2016L8-0003 - INAC-CARD - Proposed Timeline for Tundra Mine Remediation Project - May20-16.pdf (271.64 KB)
MV2016X0011 MV2016L8-0003 - INAC-CARD - INAC Eligibility for LUP under section 18-b of MVLUR - May20-16.pdf (62.47 KB)
MV2016L8-0003 MV2016X0011 - INAC-CARD - Tundra - WL and LUP Juristiction for Federal areas - May20-16.pdf (849.23 KB)
MV2016X0011 MV2016L8-0003 - INAC-CARD - INAC eligibility for LUP under Section 18-b of MVLUR - May18-16.pdf (79.55 KB)
MV2016L8-0003 MV2016X0011 - INAC-CARD - Tundra - Eligibility for LUP - May18-16.pdf (77.02 KB)
MV2016X0011 - INAC-CARD - Tundra - Type A LUP Application - May17-16.pdf (198.25 KB)
MV2016X0011 - Tundra - WL Application - Appendix B - Reference Maps - May17-16.pdf (1.54 MB)
MV2016X0011 - Tundra - WL Application - Appendix C - HHERA - May17-16.pdf (2.01 MB)
MV2016X0011 - Tundra - WL Application - Appendix D - Community Engagement Plan - May17-16.pdf (1.62 MB)
MV2016X0011 - Tundra - WL Application - Appendix E - Management Plans - May17-16.pdf (63.39 MB)
MV2016X0011 - Tundra - WL Application - Appendix F - Mill Pond Drawdown - May17-16.pdf (1.32 MB)
MV2016X0011 - Tundra - WL Application - Appendix G - SNP Monitoring Locations - May17-16.pdf (641.49 KB)
MV2016X0011 - Tundra - WL Application - Supporting Documentation Appendices - May17-16.pdf (182.68 KB)
MV2016X0011 - Tundra - WL Application - Appendix A - Phase 2 Remedial Action Plan - May17-16.pdf (17.44 MB)