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Hamlet of Fort Providence - MV2016L3-0001

​Municipal Licence for Fort Providence.

Renewal of Licence MV2006L3-0002.

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Displaying 101 - 176 of 176
5. Reports and Studies
SNP Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Providence - SNP results from 1412-2 on Oct8 and 2016-2 onOct9 2020 RAW DATA - Oct26-20.xls (63.5 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results from station 1412-2 on September 28 2020 - Oct9-20.pdf (471.87 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results from station 1412-2 on September 28 2020 RAW DATA - Oct9-20.xls (59 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results from station 1412-2 on September 17 2020 - Oct2-20.pdf (454.49 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results from station 1412-2 on September 17 2020 RAW DATA - Oct2-20.xls (48 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results from station 1412-2 on September 10 2020 - Sep23-20.pdf (457.99 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results from station 1412-2 on September 10 2020 RAW DATA - Sep23-20.xls (48 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results from stations 1412-1 and 1412-2 on August 20 2020 RAW DATA - Sep2-20.xls (51 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results from stations 1412-1 and 1412-2 on August 20 2020 - Sep2-20.pdf (468.67 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results from station 1412-2 on July 13 2020 RAW DATA - Jul28-20.xls (48 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results from station 1412-2 on July 13 2020 - Jul28-20.pdf (455.13 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results for SNP 1412-2 on July 6 2020 RAW DATA - Jul17-20.xls (48 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results for SNP 1412-2 on July 6 2020 - Jul17-20.pdf (479.95 KB)
Ft Providence - pre-decant SNP results for station 1412-2 - Jun18-20.pdf (569.42 KB)
Ft Providence - pre-decant SNP results for station 1412-2 RAW DATA - Jun18-20.xls (48 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results for SNP 1412-2 on August 15 2019 - Sep23-19.pdf (453.01 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results for station 1412-2 on August 22 2019 RAW DATA - Sep3-19.xls (47 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP results for station 1412-2 on August 22 2019 - Sep3-19.pdf (453.67 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results for SNP 1412-2 on June 12 2019 RAW DATA - Jul11-19.xls (56 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results for SNP 1412-2 on June 12 2019 - Jul11-19.pdf (464.29 KB)
Ft Providence - Inspector SNP results from 1412-2 2016-1 and 2016-2 on Jun13-19 - Jul11-19.pdf (758.98 KB)
Ft Providence - Inspector SNP results from 1412-2 2016-1 and 2016-2 on Jun13-19 RAW DATA - Jul11-19.xls (105 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical Results for SNP 1412-2 on October 19 2018 - Nov6-18.pdf (266.76 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results for SNP 1412-2 and 2016-2 on September 13 2018 - Oct10-18.pdf (195.67 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results for SNP 2016-1 on September 13 2018 - Oct2-18.pdf (184.24 KB)
Ft Providence - Inspector correspondence re SNP exceedences - Sep6-18.pdf (385.97 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results from all SNP stations on August 14 2018 - Sep6-18.pdf (264.42 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results for SNP 206-1 1412-2 on July 18 2018 - Aug10-18.pdf (206.42 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results from SNP 1412-2 on July 11 2018 - Aug8-18.pdf (207.97 KB)
Ft Providence - Analytical results from SNP 1412-2 on July 5 2018 - Jul19-18.pdf (183.63 KB)
Ft Providence - Pre-decant analytical results from June 13 2018 - Jun26-18.pdf (189.08 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP analytical results for November 28 2017 - Dec6-17.pdf (197.81 KB)
Ft Providence - SNP Analytical Results from June 27 2017 - Sept29-17.pdf (302.83 KB)
6. Management Plans
Assorted Management Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Providence - 2017 SWDF Action Plan Version 2 - Oct4-18.pdf (9.23 MB)
Ft Providence - Solid Waste Disposal Facilities OM Plan - Staff Report and Comments - May10-18.pdf (833.76 KB)
Ft Providence - Solid Waste Disposal Facilities OM Plan V1 - Approval Letter - May10-18.pdf (179.67 KB)
Ft Providence - SWDF Action Plan - Staff Report and Comments - May10-18.pdf (575.57 KB)
Ft Providence - SWDF Action Plan - Interim Approval letter - May10-18.pdf (453.22 KB)
Ft Providence - Request for comments on Solid Waste Disposal Facilitiy Action Plan - Dec22-17.pdf (335.15 KB)
Ft Providence - Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Action Plan - Dec20-17.pdf (1.85 MB)
Ft Providence - Approval - Submission Extension - Various Plans - Aug17-17.pdf (207.51 KB)
Ft Providence - Submission Extension - Various Plans - Staff Reports and Comments - Aug17-17.pdf (745.02 KB)
Ft Providence - Request for comments on Extension for various Plans - Jul17-17.pdf (425.02 KB)
Municipal Operations and Maintenance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Providence - Staff Confirmation of Conformity for Sewage Disposal Facilities OM Plan V4 - Oct27_22.pdf (565.08 KB)
Ft Providence - Sewage Disposal Facilities OM Plan V4 - Oct21_22.pdf (3.95 MB)
Ft Providence - Resubmission Required - Sewage Disposal Facilities OM Plan V3 -Jan14_22.pdf (129.59 KB)
Ft Providence - Board Direction - Water Treatment Plant OM Plan V3 - Jan14_22.pdf (126.87 KB)
Ft Providence - Water Treatment Plant OM Plan V3 - Dec2_21.pdf (5.95 MB)
Ft Providence - Sewage Disposal Facilities OM Plan V3 - Oct6_21.pdf (7.74 MB)
Ft Providence - SNP proposal - Oct6_21.pdf (1.15 MB)
Ft Providence - Water Treatment Plant O and M Plan V2 - Jan9_18.pdf (4.04 MB)
Ft Providence - SWDF O and M Plan v2 - Conformity Confirmation by Staff - Feb25_19.pdf (168.85 KB)
Ft Providence - SWDF O and M Plan V2 revised - Jan9_19.pdf (4.28 MB)
Ft Providence - Interim Approval - Solid Waste Disposal OM V2 - Jan17-19.pdf (112.45 KB)
Ft Providence - Solid Waste Disposal OM V2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jan17-19.pdf (408.06 KB)
Ft Providence - SWDF O and M Plan Version 2 - Oct4-18.pdf (11.05 MB)
Ft Providence - Water Treatment Plant OM Plan V1 - Staff Report and Comments - Dec4-17.pdf (1.07 MB)
Ft Providence - Sewage Disposal Facilities OM Plan - Staff Report and Comments - Dec4-17.pdf (1.11 MB)
Ft Providence - Sewage Disposal Facilities OM Plan V1 - Approval Letter - Dec4-17.pdf (369.26 KB)
Ft Providence - Water Treatment Plant OM Plan V1 - interim Approval Letter - Dec4-17.pdf (791.77 KB)
Ft Providence - ENR requesting extension to review comment deadline for various plans - Sep7-17.pdf (327.83 KB)
Ft Providence - Request for comments on the Sewage Disposal Facilities O and M Plan - Sep1-17.pdf (359.59 KB)
Ft Providence - Request for comments on the Water Treatment Plan O and M Plan - Sep1-17.pdf (352.97 KB)
Ft Providence - Request for comments on the Solid Waste Disposal O and M Plan - Sep1-17.pdf (361.09 KB)
Ft Providence - Water Treatment Plan Operations and Maintenance Plan V1 - Aug23-17.pdf (4.14 MB)
Ft Providence - Sewage Disposal Facilities Operations and Maintenance Plan V1 - Aug23-17.pdf (4.1 MB)
Ft Providence - Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Operations and Maintenance Plan V1 - Aug23-17.pdf (3.2 MB)
Ft Providence - Sewage Disposal Facilities Operations and Maintenance Plan V1 - Aug23_17.pdf (2.34 MB)
Spill - Contingency - Emergency Response
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Providence - Spill Contingency Plan - Version 4 - Aug26_22.pdf (66.73 MB)
Ft Providence - Resubmission Required - Spill Contingency Plan V3 - Jan14_22.pdf (124.97 KB)
Ft Providence - Spill Contingency Plan V3 - Oct6_21.pdf (5.92 MB)
Ft Providence - Spill Contingency Plan V2 - Dec 2018 - Jan9_19.pdf (15.01 MB)
Ft Providence - Spill Contingency Plan V1 - Interim Approval Letter - Dec4-17.pdf (691.37 KB)
Ft Providence - Request for comments on the Spill Contingency Plan - Sept1-17.pdf (350.39 KB)
Ft Providence - Spill Contingency Plan V1 - Aug23-17.pdf (6.77 MB)
Waste Management Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Providence - Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Action Plan v2 - conformity confirmation - Nov8-18.pdf (336.44 KB)