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Great Slave Lake Remediation Project: Reclamation of Outpost Island Mine, Blanchet Island Mine and Copper Pass Mine.

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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014X0002 - AANDC-CARD - Confirmation of borrow source testing - Mar21-14.pdf (83.09 KB)
MV2014X0002 - AANDC-CARD - Yellowknives Dene First Nation submission - Feb27-14.pdf (311.62 KB)
MV2014X0002 - AANDC-CARD - DRAFT Land Use Permit for review - Feb27-14.pdf (180.64 KB)
MV2014X0002 - AANDC-CARD - Notice of additional comment and proponent response deadline - Feb27-14.pdf (132.97 KB)
MV2014X0002 - AANDC-CARD - Correspondence regarding timelines - Feb19-14.pdf (83.11 KB)
MV2014X0002 - AANDC-CARD - Proponent response deadline extended to Feb 14 - Feb13-14.pdf (82.77 KB)
MV2014X0002 - AANDC-CARD - one day extension granted to respond to comments - Feb13-14.pdf (83.58 KB)
MV2014X0002 - AANDC-CARD - ENR Letter to the Proponent - Feb6-14.pdf (4.01 MB)
MV2014X0002 - AANDC-CARD - Request for review and comment on LUP Application - Jan20-14.pdf (138.74 KB)
3. Amendment Application
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014X0002 - AANDC-CARD - Comment on Amendment Application - YKDFN - Jan5-15.pdf (156.02 KB)
4. Permit Extension Request
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014X0002 - AANDC - CARD - Notification of LUP Extension Request Follow-up - Feb22-19.pdf (60.51 KB)