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NWT Rare Earths Ltd. - MV2014L2-0001

​Thor Lake, NT. Preliminary site preparation ​and construction including site clearing, construction of laydown areas, sediment control structures, establishment of a camp, preliminary diesel fuel storage tank, temporary explosives storage, development of the underground decline and associated temporary infrastructure.

Refer also to MV2014D0001 and MV2018C0011. Assigned from Avalon Advanced Materials in 2018.


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5. Reports and Studies
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MV2018C0011 MV2014L2-0001 MV2014D0001 - NWT Rare Earth - Update - Sep1_20.pdf (204.13 KB)
MV2014L2-0001 MV2014D0001 MV2018C0011 - Avalon - Demonstration Project Work Plan - Dec19_19.pdf (3.29 MB)