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DIAND-GIANT - MV2012L8-0010

The proposed undertaking includes 2 primary activities (1) deconstruction of the roaster complex and (2) stabilization of underground elements, including arsenic trioxide and non-arsenic trioxide dust filled chambers and stopes, and  bulkheads.
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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
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MV2012L8-0010- INAC-CARD - Giant - AQM Report week ending January 5 2019 - Jan14-19.pdf (217.69 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Follow up on Paste Back Fill - Feb20-12.pdf (117.6 KB)
MV2012L8-0010- AANDC-CARD - Giant Mine - AQM Report for week ending July 28 2018 - Aug3-18.pdf (923.04 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant Mine - AQMP summary report for the week ending February 9 2019 - Feb15-19.pdf (610.4 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant Mine - AQMP summary report for the week ending February 2 2019 - Feb11-19.pdf (615.76 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week ending January 26 2019 - Feb6-19.pdf (689.35 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant Mine - AQMP summary report for the week ending January 19 2019 - Jan29-19.pdf (778.26 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant Mine - AQMP summary report for the week ending January 12 2019 - Jan22-19.pdf (790.96 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Monthly WL Report for November 2018 - Dec19-18.pdf (812.02 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week ending December 29 2018 - Jan7-19.pdf (697.98 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Monitoring Program Report for week ending December 1 2018 - Jan2-19.pdf (235.94 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Monitoring Program Report for week ending December 8 2018 - Jan2-19.pdf (301.92 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Monitoring Program Report for week ending December 22 2018 - Jan2-19.pdf (245.44 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Monitoring Program Report for week ending December 15 2018 - Jan2-19.pdf (273.51 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant - SSP Report for November 2018 - Dec19-18.pdf (812.03 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in November 24 2018 - Nov30-18.pdf (205.77 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week ending in November 10 2018 - Nov16-18.pdf (810.15 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant - October 2018 Monthly Report - Nov23-18.pdf (1.64 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in November 17 2018 - Nov23-18.pdf (227.94 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in November 3 2018 - Nov14-18.pdf (661.88 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in October 27 2018 - Nov2-18.pdf (1.13 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summaries for October 2018 - Oct26-18.pdf (2.71 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in September 29 2018 - Oct18-18.pdf (43.27 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - AQM Report for week ending September 15 2018 - Oct2-18.pdf (273.18 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - AQM Report for week ending September 8 2018 - Oct2-18.pdf (260.78 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in September 22 2018 - Oct3-18.pdf (787.33 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Sumary - Week Ending in September 1 2018 - Sept13-18.pdf (754.23 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC CARD - Giant - Air Quality Monitoring Report for the week of August 18_18 - Sept6_18.pdf (555.18 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC CARD - Giant - Air Quality Monitoring Report for the week of August 25_18 - Sept6_18.pdf (601.12 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant Mine - AQMP summary report for the week ending August 4 2018 - Aug14-18.pdf (644.9 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant - Notification of Alternate Grout Product - Aug8-18.pdf (930.55 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CAARD - Giant Mine - AQMP summary report for the week ending July 14 2018 and July 21 2018 - Aug2-18.pdf (1.72 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Air Quality Monitoring Weekly Summary - Week Endind in July 21 2018 - Jul27-18.pdf (408.04 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC - CARD - Giant - Air Quality Monitoring Weekly Summary - Week ending in July 14, 2018- July20_18.pdf (967.42 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC - CARD - GIANT - AQM WEEKLY SUMMARY - WEEK ENDING IN July 7, 2018 - July18_18.pdf (1.16 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC CARD - Giant Mine ambient AQMP summary report for the week ending June 30, 2018 - July6_18.pdf (2.15 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC CARD - Giant Mine ambient AQMP weekly summary report for the week ending June 16, 2018 - July6_18.pdf (2.38 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQMP weekly summary report for the week ending June 23, 2018_July5_18.pdf (2.12 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQMP summary report for the week ending June 9 2018 - Jun19-18.pdf (954.03 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant - Notification of Geotechnical Drilling - Jun12-18.pdf (498.77 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQMP summary report for the week ending June 2 2018 - Jun11-18.pdf (881.69 KB)
MV212L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Revised AQMP weekly summary report for the week ending May 26 2018 - Jun4-18.pdf (724.97 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQMP summary report for the week ending May 26 2018 - Jun1-18.pdf (658.66 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant - Notification of alternate foam product - May30-18.pdf (473.91 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQMP summary report for the week ending May 19 2018 - May29-18.pdf (919.24 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant - AQMP summary report for the week ending May 12 2018 - May25-18.pdf (656.84 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant Mine - AQMP weekly summary report for the week ending May 5 2018 - May17-18.pdf (1.35 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant - Notification of Alternate Dust Suppressant - May9-18.pdf (655.48 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant - Notification of Alternate Dust Suppressant - Inspectors comments - May9-18.pdf (96.22 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant - AQMP summary report for the week ending April 28 2018 - May4-18.pdf (855.07 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant AQMP summary report for the week ending April 21 2018 - May1-18.pdf (602.04 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant - AQMP summary report for the week ending April 14 2018 - Apr25-18.pdf (784.8 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant Mine - AQMP summary report for the week ending April 7 2018 - Apr13-18.pdf (865.98 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM weekly Report for week ending March 31 2018 - Apr6-18.pdf (600.23 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM weekly Report for week ending March 24 2018 - Apr6-18.pdf (688.47 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant - Drilling Agent for C5-09 - Inspector Comments - Mar27-18.pdf (94.64 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant - Drilling agent for C5-09 - Mar27-18.pdf (262.51 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM weekly summary report for the week ending March 17 2018 - Mar26-18.pdf (75.12 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant - AQM summary report for the week ending March 10 2018 - Mar15-18.pdf (827.14 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQMP summary report for the week ending March 3 2018 - Mar13-18.pdf (767.86 KB)
MV2016S0016 MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - Giant - Retraction of Blasting - Notification Letter - Mar13-18.pdf (138.99 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Weeks Ending in February 17 and February 24 - Mar2-18.pdf (1.12 MB)
MV2016S0016 MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant - Notification of Intent to submit Type A LUP Application - Feb19-18.pdf (232.93 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in February 10 2018 - Feb16-18.pdf (629.57 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in February 3 2018 - Feb9-18.pdf (85.11 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in January 27 2018 - Feb2-18.pdf (575.54 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending January 20 and Revised January 13 2018 - Jan30-18.pdf (1.1 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in January 13 2018 - Jan19-18.pdf (223.63 KB)
MV212L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in January 6 2018 - Jan12-18.pdf (644.25 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Report for week ending December 23 2017 - Jan8-18.pdf (212.16 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Report for week ending December 30 2017 - Jan8-18.pdf (186.42 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in December 16 2017 - Dec22-17.pdf (668.29 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in December 9 2017 - Dec15-17.pdf (663.71 KB)
MV2012L8-010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Weeks Ending in November 25 and December 2 - Dec8-17.pdf (1.21 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in November 11 2017 - Nov20-17.pdf (197.26 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in November 4 2017 - Nov10-17.pdf (767.78 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in October 28 - Nov3-17.pdf (693.09 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in October 21 2017 - Oct27-17.pdf (839.9 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - DIAND-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in October 14 2017 - Oct20-17.pdf (825.23 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in September 9 2017 - Sept19-17.pdf (94.04 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary Week Ending in September 2 2017 - Sept8-17.pdf (1 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary Week Ending in August 26 2017 - Sept1-17.pdf (313.66 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Weeks ending in August 12 AND August 19 - Aug25-17.pdf (1.82 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Report for week ending August 5 2017 - Aug15-17.pdf (822.97 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC - CARD - Air Quality Monitoring Weekly Summary - Week ending in July 29.pdf (1.16 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Re-issue of week ending in July 8 and July 22 - Jul28-17.pdf (1.1 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary ending for July 15 - Jul26-17.pdf (910.99 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Weeks Ending in June 17 and June 24 - Jul4-17.pdf (1.51 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in June 10 2017 - Jun16-17.pdf (853.81 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week ending in June 3 2017 - Jun9-17.pdf (184.49 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in May 27 2017 - Jun6-17.pdf (615.43 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Air Quality Monitoring Weekly Summary - Week ending in May 20 2017 - May26-17.pdf (720.25 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant Mine - AQM Summary for Week of May 6 2017 - May23-17.pdf (132.03 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant Mine - AQM Summary for Week of May 13 2017 - May23-17.pdf (237.31 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant Mine - Inspection Report for May 5 2017 - INAC Inspector - May9-17.pdf (367.02 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Approval - Underground Site Stabilization Work Plan - Staff Report-Comments - May4-17.pdf (631.74 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Giant - Approval - Underground Site Stabilization Work Plan -May4-17.pdf (212.4 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - INAC-CARD - Information package for March 6th meeting - Feb21-17.pdf (1.14 MB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Report - Week Ending in January 7 2017 - Jan20-17.pdf (503.61 KB)
MV2012L8-0010 - AANDC-CARD - AQM Weekly Summary - Week Ending in December 31 2016 - Jan6-17.pdf (575.51 KB)