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Town of Fort Smith - MV2011L3-0001

Municipal water, sewer and solid waste infrastructure systems for the Town of Forth Smith, NT.   Replaces Licence MV2003L3-0006.
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Displaying 301 - 396 of 396
5. Reports and Studies
SNP Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 and 567-2 on November 27 2019 - Dec11-19.pdf (501.43 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 and 567-2 on November 27 2019 RAW DATA - Dec11-19.xls (61 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on October 30 2019 - Nov14-19.pdf (467.51 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on October 30 2019 RAW DATA - Nov14-19.xls (52 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 567-4 and 567-6 on September 30 2019 - Oct17-19.pdf (479.11 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 567-4 and 567-6 on September 30 2019 RAW DATA - Oct17-19.xls (56.5 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on August 28 2019 - Sep10-19.pdf (176.95 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on August 28 2019 RAW DATA - Sep10-19.xls (51 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on July 31 2019 - Aug19-19.pdf (464.39 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on July 31 2019 RAW DATA - Aug19-19.xls (51.5 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 567-4 and 567-6 on June 27 2019 - Jul11-19.pdf (504.86 KB)
Ft Smith - Inspector SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-4 on June 26 2019 RAW DATA - Jul11-19.xls (68 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 567-4 and 567-6 on June 27 2019 RAW DATA - Jul11-19.xls (56.5 KB)
Ft Smith - Inspector SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-4 on Jun26-19 - Jul11-19.pdf (492.99 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on April 30 2019 RAW DATA - May14-19.xls (51.5 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on April 30 2019 - May14-19.pdf (463.22 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 and 567-2 on March 27 2019 - Apr16-19.pdf (287.69 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 and 567-2 on February 1 2019 - Feb18-19.pdf (347 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP Results from stations 567-1 abd 567-2 on December 19 2018 - Jan8-19.pdf (272.04 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 and 567-2 on December 19 2018 - Jan8-19.pdf (172.8 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 and 567-2 on November 28 2018 - Dec14-18.pdf (278.08 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1-567-2 and 567-6 on October 31 2018 - Nov20-18.pdf (278.75 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on Sept 27 2018 - Oct16-18.pdf (231.98 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on August 30 2018 - Oct5-18.pdf (188.22 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on July 26 2018 - Aug16-18.pdf (219.14 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1, 567-2, 567-4 and 567-6 on June 18 2018 - Jul6-18.pdf (256.23 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 and 567-2 on May 1 2018 - May16-18.pdf (209.63 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from station 567-1 and 567-2 on March 28 2018 - Apr10-18.pdf (186.3 KB)
Ft Smith - Inspector reminder of SNP sampling requirements - Mar9-18.pdf (267.61 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 and 567-2 on Feb 22 2018 - Mar2-18.pdf (186.21 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 and 567-2 on January 24 2018 - Feb16-18.pdf (219.19 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from station 567-1 and 567-1 on November 22 2017 - Dec6-17.pdf (186.83 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP results from stations 567-1 567-2 and 567-6 on October 23 2017 - Nov6-17.pdf (231.5 KB)
Ft Smith - SNP Report for August 2017 - Sampling Results - Sep14-17.pdf (83.91 KB)
Ft Smith - RAW DATA for SNP 567-2 and 567-4 - Jun13-11.pdf (91.97 KB)
6. Management Plans
Assorted Management Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Smith - Update from Town re outstanding submissions - Jan11-18.pdf (94.1 KB)
Ft Smith - Follow up on revised WL submission dates - Jan12-18.pdf (91.12 KB)
Ft Smith - Response to outstanding WL Submissions - Oct31-17.pdf (174.49 KB)
Ft Smith - Letter regarding outstanding WL submissions - Sep29-17.pdf (262.72 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Treatment Improvement Plan SNP Request - Staff Report - Nov19-15.pdf (255.55 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Treatment Improvement Plan SNP Request Approval Letter - Nov19-15.pdf (316.64 KB)
Ft Smith - Request for comments on Sewage Lagoon Treatment Improvement plan - Sept9-15.pdf (719.94 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Treatment Improvement Plan and Lagoon relocation memo - Sept4-15.pdf (211.32 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage treatment Impovement Plan - Sept4-15.pdf (65.24 KB)
Ft Smith - Response to notice of delay in Sewage TRMT Improvement Plan submisssion - Apr16-15.pdf (153.74 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Treatment Improvement Plan Extension request granted - Mar16-15.pdf (157.88 KB)
Ft Smith - Notification of Extension for Sewage Treatment Improvement Plan submission - Mar16-15.pdf (94.01 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Treatment Improvement Plan overdue - Mar11-15.pdf (90 KB)
Municipal Operations and Maintenance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Smith - Town request to extend response deadline for Sludge Management Plan - Nov29_24.pdf (444.38 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Disposal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan V1.2 - Sludge Management Plan - Oct17_24.pdf (893.65 KB)
Ft Smith - Inspector correspondence re sludge management - Oct19_23.pdf (209.9 KB)
Ft Smith - Correspondence with Inspector re change of construction drop off area - Jun8-20.pdf (184.43 KB)
Ft Smith - Correspondence from Inspector re sewage sludge testing - Jul4-19.pdf (90.86 KB)
Ft Smith - Notification and Drawings for SWDF - Staff Report and Comments - Dec10-18.pdf (531.32 KB)
Ft Smith - Approval - Notification and Drawings for SWDF - Dec10-18.pdf (107.59 KB)
Ft Smith - Request for comments on Sewage Disposal Facilities O and M Plan V1-1 - Apr24-18.pdf (363.93 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Disposal Facilities O and 'M Plan V1-1 - Apr6-18.pdf (2.09 MB)
Ft Smith - Solid Waste Facilities OM Plan V1 - Interim Approval Letter - Feb22-18.pdf (430.58 KB)
Ft Smith - Solid Waste Facilities OM Plan V1 - Staff Report and Comments - Feb22-18.pdf (728.19 KB)
Ft Smith - Correspondence re Sewage Lagoon Freeboard and SNP 567-2 sample results - May25-17.pdf (191.52 KB)
Ft Smith - CBOD BOD Trend Analysis Report - Staff Report and Comments - Dec19-16.pdf (160.83 KB)
Ft Smith - Approved - CBOD BOD Trend Analysis Report - Dec19-16.pdf (155.8 KB)
Ft Smith - Request for comments on Solid Waste Facilities O and M Plan - Dec15-16.pdf (339.68 KB)
Ft Smith - Approval Letter - Sewage Lagoon O M Plan V-1 - Dec5-16.pdf (268.6 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Lagoon O M Plan V1 - Staff Report and Comments - Dec5-16.pdf (366.53 KB)
Ft Smith - Solid Waste Facility O and M Plan - V 1-0 - Nov29-16.pdf (2.04 MB)
Ft Smith - Request for comments on Sewage Lagoon O and M Plan - Sept14-16.pdf (355.82 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Lagoon Operation and Maintenance Plan - Jul15-16.pdf (1.26 MB)
Ft Smith - Response to DKFN request to participate in meeting - Apr15-16.pdf (43.94 KB)
Ft Smith - DKFN request to participate in meeting on overdue submissions - Apr13-16.pdf (202.11 KB)
Ft Smith - Email re Ft Smith Sewage Lagoon O and M Plan - Ft Resolution - Apr7-16.pdf (196.21 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Lagoon O M Plan Submission - Extension to Submission date Approval - Mar17-16.pdf (119.69 KB)
Ft Smith - Sewage Lagoon O M Plan Submission - Extension - Staff Report - Mar17-16.pdf (232.13 KB)
Ft Smith - Request for comments on Submissioin date extension request O and M Plan - Feb10-16.pdf (508.9 KB)
Ft Smith - Timeline for Submission of Sewage O and M Plan - Dec21-15.pdf (159.86 KB)
Ft Smith - Correspondence regarding submission of Sewage O and M Plan - Dec21-15.pdf (2.93 MB)
Spill - Contingency - Emergency Response
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Smith - Spill Contingency Plan - Staff Report and Comments - Apr23-15.pdf (203.61 KB)
Ft Smith - Spill Contingency Plan Approval Letter - Apr23-15.pdf (137.99 KB)
Ft Smith - Spill Contingency Plan (Version 1.1) - Nov14-14.pdf (1.38 MB)
Ft Smith - Spill Contingency Plan - Feb23-12.pdf (1.11 MB)
Water Management
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Smith - Groundwater Monitoring and Protection Program V1-2 - staff confirmation of conformity - Apr17-18.pdf (335.53 KB)
Ft Smith - Groundwater Monitoring and Protection Program V1-2 - Apr6-18.pdf (10.61 MB)
Ft Smith - Correspondence re Groundwater Monitoring and Protection Program - Oct14-16.pdf (91.4 KB)
Ft Smith - Approval - Interim Groundwater Monitoring and Protection Plan - Sept 23_16.pdf (233.52 KB)
Ft Smith - Interim GMPP - Staff Report and Comments - Sept 23_16.pdf (690.04 KB)
Ft Smith - Landfill GW Monitoring and Protection Program - V 1-1 - Aug2-16.pdf (10.37 MB)
Ft Smith - Landfill Groundwater Monitoring and Protection Program - May5-16.pdf (2.6 MB)
Ft Smith - Groundwater Monitoring Program Review - Jun16-11.pdf (4.81 MB)
Ft Smith - DRAFT Groundwater Monitoring Program Review - Jun01-11.pdf (4.82 MB)
7. Monitoring Programs
AEMP - Annual Report
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Smith - Extension for response to review comments on GWMPP - Jun29-16.pdf (131.63 KB)
Ft Smith - Request for comments on Landfill GW Monitoring and Protection Plan - May13-16.pdf (384.62 KB)
8. Closure and Reclamation
Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Smith - Approval - Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan- Sept 23_16.pdf (273.22 KB)
Ft Smith - Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan - Staff Report and Comments - Sept 23_16.pdf (2.63 MB)
Ft Smith - Notice of Extension for response to reviewer comments - Jun30-16.pdf (82.04 KB)
Ft Smith - Extension for response to review comments on Landfill ICRP - Jun29-16.pdf (131.64 KB)
Ft Smith - Landfill Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan - Apr22-16.pdf (1.7 MB)