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Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. - MV2010L2-0005

Mining and milling for rare earth elements: niobium, zirconium, tantalum and possibly gallium from the Nechalacho depsoit located at Thor Lake.   Associated with Permit MV2010D0017.

This proceeding has been paused as of September 26, 2014 in accordance with subsection 72.22(1) of the MVRMA. This timeline will recommence on the receipt of Avalon’s responses to interventions. 
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Displaying 1 - 100 of 187
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Name Change Request - Apr13-16.pdf (223.37 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Updated Reclaim security Phase 5 - Version 3 - Sept10-14.pdf (298.58 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - ENR letter - security re-submission - Sept 5-14.pdf (142.82 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Update Reclaim Estimate Phases 1 to 4 - Sept9-14.pdf (1.13 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Updated Reclaim Estimate - Phase 5 v2 - Sept8-14.pdf (460.68 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Inclusion of updated Reclaim estimate - Sept3-14.pdf (636.81 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - email requesting additional time for updated security estimate_Sept2-14.pdf (57.01 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - security estimate - Phase 5 v1- Aug 25.pdf (555.63 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - email re currently held reclamation security - Aug-21.pdf (158.05 KB)
MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Receipt for Annual Water Use Fees - Jan6-14.pdf (395.02 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - WL Fees - Apr26-10.pdf (111.91 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - MVLWB letter - Licence and Permitting Schedule - Oct9-14.pdf (253.15 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Letter from Avalon re process schedule - Sept30-14.pdf (149.03 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - email re Avalons official project name.pdf (72.8 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - AEMP Memo_Sept. 10.pdf (1.79 MB)
EC IR 20 Response.pdf (719.37 KB)
Ava_IR Responses Table.pdf (221.64 KB)
C1_2014-08-05 Commitments.pdf (1.54 MB)
14_Engineered Facilities Aug_07.pdf (277.76 KB)
15_Schedule.pdf (183.09 KB)
12_DAR Fish.pdf (1.08 MB)
13_Draft SNP.pdf (1.63 MB)
11_Reagents.pdf (221.76 KB)
11-1_Reagent MSDS.pdf (563.68 KB)
9_Effluent Analysis.pdf (483.03 KB)
10_Monitoring of Radioactivity.pdf (116.8 KB)
7_Wilfrid Laurier review.pdf (463.4 KB)
8_Updated EQC Report.pdf (1.71 MB)
5_Figures A8 and 3.2-1.pdf (1.48 MB)
6_Paste Fill Operating Process.pdf (1.05 MB)
4_Feasibility Paste.pdf (2.26 MB)
3_2012 Groundwater Sampling Report.pdf (1.43 MB)
3-Fig_2012 Groundwater Sampling Report.pdf (6.32 MB)
2_Seepage Feas Study.pdf (85.32 KB)
1_DAR Hydrogeology Summary.pdf (21.18 MB)
IR Response Cover Letter.pdf (19.98 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Geochemical Monitoring and Management Plan_August 2014.pdf (645.47 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Meeting minutes May 1 mtg - May5-14.pdf (62.08 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - MVLWB request for additional info from Feb 4 mtg - Apr28-14.pdf (342.33 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - updated - Apr1-14.pdf (24.74 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - MVLWB email re SRK comments on Geochemical Characterization Plan - Apr1-14.pdf (130.88 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Avalon submission of action items from Mar13 mtg- Mar25-14.pdf (135.36 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Avalon May 22 response to MVLWB Apr28 request letter - May22-14.pdf (590.76 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Meeting minutes Mar13-13 mtg - geochem characterization - Mar20-14.pdf (251.48 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Avalon email to MVLWB re additional information - Feb27-14.pdf (110 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - Updated - Updated application - Feb27-14.pdf (1.54 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Avalon Feb 20 response to MVLWB additional info request from Feb 4 mtg - Feb27-14.pdf (1.29 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - LUP Application - Updated - Feb27-14.pdf (1.39 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - MVLWB request for additional information - Feb14-14.pdf (279.51 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Avalon email to remove ramp from Early Works - Feb4-14.pdf (107.55 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Avalon response to MVLWB request on Jan 22-14 - Jan28-14.pdf (1.09 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Environmental Characterization Report - Rock - Phase 2 Update - Feb28-14.pdf (6.63 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Meeting notes for Jan23 meeting - Jan23-14.pdf (54.29 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - MVLWB request for additional info - Jan 22-14 - Jan21-14.pdf (88.86 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment B - Report 2 Rev B - Water Mgt Plan-Part 3 - Jan6-14.pdf (7.24 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment P_ARPP_FinalDraft.pdf (407.32 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment A2_Studies Completed.pdf (174.01 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment B - Report 2 Rev B - Water Mgt Plan_Part 2 - Jan6-14.pdf (5.65 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment C_Avalon Waste Management Plan 2013.pdf (2.47 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment I_Engagement log and plans - December 2013.pdf (2 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment E_ Avalon Waste Rock Management Plan - 2013.pdf (667.7 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment K_Nechalacho Project SNP_Dec. 23.pdf (441.06 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment F_Avalon Explosives Management Plan - 2013.pdf (1.01 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment M_Conceptual WWH Protection Plan - 2013.pdf (1.53 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment N_Avalon Conceptual Erosion and Sediment Control Plan - 2013.pdf (1.52 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2005L2-0005- Avalon - Attachment A Updated Project Description-Part 2 - Jan6-14.pdf (11.16 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment A Updated Project Description-Part 1 - Jan6-14.pdf (7.31 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Table of Contents for mining application post EA.pdf (238.63 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment A1_ Commitment Register from MVEIRB EA - December 2013.pdf (978.85 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application December 23 2013 (2).pdf (1.97 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment D_Tailings Management Plan_Report 1 Rev B - Draft_Part 1.pdf (5.2 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment L_Conceptual Aquatics Effects Monitoring Plan - 2013.pdf (2.55 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment D_Tailings Management Plan_Report 1 Rev B - Draft_Part 2.pdf (6.41 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment G_Avalon Spill Contingency Plan - 2013.pdf (3.17 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment J_Effluent Quality Criteria.pdf (1.23 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment H_Avalon Closure Reclamation Plan 2013.pdf (6.16 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment O_Avalon Air Quality Plan_Draft.pdf (1.97 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - LUP Application_December 19 2013 (3).pdf (1.37 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment B - Report 2 Rev B - Water Mgt Plan-Part 1 - Jan6-14.pdf (280.31 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment A Updated Project Description-Part 3 - Jan6-14.pdf (8.58 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Attachment A Updated Project Description-Part 4 - Jan6-14.pdf (1.69 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Post EA Updated Application Package required - Nov5-13.pdf (517.64 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - Project Summary - Jun11-10.pdf (59.11 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - Supporting Document - Coordinates - May14-10.pdf (92.97 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - Application Deemed Complete - May04-10.pdf (132.33 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - NEW - Apr26-10.pdf (59.54 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - Final Project Description Report.pdf (19.38 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - AppxC - v2 - Hydrogeology.pdf (5.37 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - AppxD - v3 - Aquatics Fisheries.pdf (25.52 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - AppxG - v6 - Wildlife.pdf (793.38 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Table of Contents - Initial application - 2010.pdf (115.03 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - AppxH - EBA - Environmental Considerations.pdf (516.98 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - LUP Application - Apr26-2010.pdf (1.1 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - Apr26-2010.pdf (910.91 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - AppxA - Community Engagement Log.pdf (283.15 KB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - AppxB - v1 - Climate Hydrology.pdf (3.15 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - AppxE - v4 - Terrain Soils.pdf (3.03 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - AppxF - v5 - Vegetation.pdf (9.41 MB)
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - WL Application - Apr26-10.pdf (49.17 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010D0017 - MV2010L2-0005 - Avalon - Work Plan - updated Sept 19, 2014.pdf (76.98 KB)