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City of Yellowknife - MV2009L3-0007

City of Yellowknife municipal water use
To be replaced by MV2021L3-0003


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
City of YK - Notification of March 8 small fire at Compost Facility - Mar17_22.pdf (137.4 KB)
City of YK - Correspondence re post-decant sampling - Jan18_21.pdf (184.84 KB)
CIty of YK - Notification of lagoon decant ending - Jan11_22.pdf (149.71 KB)
City of YK - Notifcation of Annual Fiddlers Lake Lagoon - Jul2_21.pdf (229.67 KB)
City of YK - Lagoon Decant Letter of Notification - Jul5_21.pdf (285.68 KB)
City of YK - Notification of SWDF Operational Change - Hydroseeder - Jun10-21.pdf (162.7 KB)
City of YK - notification and Inspector response re tire shred use at SWDF - May17-21.pdf (112.81 KB)
City of YK - Notification of submissions - May6-21.pdf (93.29 KB)
City of YK - Lagoon control structure repair notification and supporting information - Apr29-21.pdf (6.44 MB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Lagoon decant notification - Jun25-20.pdf (925.12 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - City notification of sewage lagoon discharge structure - Jun4-20.pdf (6.04 MB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of start of Fiddlers Lake Lagoon decant - Jun26-19.pdf (348.22 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Correspondence re approval of acceptance of treated soil - Jun26-19.pdf (97.38 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Meeting of Parties - Summary Notes from discussion on submissions - Dec11-18.pdf (479.19 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Additional info on Arsenic testing for monthly YK Bay water withdrawal request - Dec21-18.pdf (1.18 MB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of end of 2018 lagoon decant - Dec10-18.pdf (65.14 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Meeting agenda for December 11 2018 - Dec7-18.pdf (403.06 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Meeting announcement for December 11 2018 - Nov16-18.pdf (95.67 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - City notification of temporary dam removal at Lagoon - Oct1-18.pdf (80.86 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - update on Fiddlers Lake Decant - Sept6-18.pdf (1.14 MB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Fiddlers Lake Decant notification - Aug29-18.pdf (135.86 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Analytical results and Inspector approval for discharge from compost facilty - Jul31-18.pdf (1.32 MB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Correspondence on Fiddlers Lake decant details - Jul20-18.pdf (127.77 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Inspector authorization to decant lagoon - Jul18-18.pdf (86.83 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Fiddlers Lake Decant notification - Jul18-18.pdf (414.31 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of delay of annual decant - Jun28-18.pdf (409.87 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of July 3 2018 Lagoon decant - Jun20-18.pdf (379.91 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Year-Long Sewage Effluent Study - Approval Letter - Jun7-18.pdf (161.93 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Year-Long Sewage Effluent Study - Staff Report and Comments - Jun7-18.pdf (7.12 MB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Revised responses to comments and Sewage Effluent Study - May7-18.pdf (12.8 MB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Chief Env Health Officer response to IR re monthly Bay Waster withdrawal request - Mar14-18.pdf (663.9 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Information Request to the Chief Environmental Health Officer - Mar5-18.pdf (116.68 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Request for comments on request for montly YK Bay water withdrawal - Jan5-18.pdf (335.92 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - REQUEST FOR MONTHLY BAY WATER USAGE - Dec29-17.pdf (180.9 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - Correspondence with Inspector Re lagoon sampling results - Aug21-17.pdf (72.03 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification and Inspector apprpval of Fiddlers Lake Lagoon decant - Jul5-17.pdf (356.87 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Year-Long Study of Sewage Effluent - Apr27-17.pdf (9.84 MB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Inspector correspondence re leak at Water Treatment Plant - Apr5-17.pdf (53.69 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Email Correspondence re Exceedance at F1 - Dec12-16.pdf (61.39 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Bio-assay Lab Report for correspondence with City and Inspector re results - Dec1-16.pdf (1.12 MB)
MV2009L3-0007 City of YK - WL Meeting Summary Notes - Oct27-16.pdf (227.51 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Final notification and agenda for October 27 2016 meeting of parties.pdf (419.15 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - October 27 2016 Agenda - Discussion on WL - Oct24-16.pdf (418.71 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Draft Agenda for October 27 2016 discussion on the City of YK WL - Oct12-16.pdf (416.13 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Meeting announcement - October 27, 2016 re City of Yellowknife's WL - Sept28-16.pdf (85.5 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of September 6 2016 Decant - Aug30-16.pdf (368.83 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of June 8-2016 YK Bay water withdrawal for high flow test - Jun6-16.pdf (113.34 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Submission requirements for upgrade to Fiddlers Lake Lagoon Control Structure - May18-16.pdf (170.64 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Water Source Update - Yellowknife Bay - Staff Report and Comments - Apr18-16.pdf (297.86 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Water Source Update - Yellowknife Bay Water Withdrawal Approval - Apr18-16.pdf (68.34 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of Yk - YK Bay water withdrawal - YKDFN request for extension to comment deadline - Apr8-16.pdf (61.69 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Extension to deadline granted for comments on YK Bay withdrawal request - Apr10-16.pdf (72.69 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - Cityof YK - Request for extension to comment submission deadline - YKDFN - Apr8-16.pdf (104.03 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of Yk - Correspondence on proposed use of water from Yellowknife Bay - Apr6-16.pdf (41.84 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - City response on Yellowknife Bay water usage - Mar1-16.pdf (320.08 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Board Direction - Water Source - Staff Report - Feb18-16.pdf (215.42 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Board Direction - Use of YK Bay as a Water Source - Feb18-16.pdf (80.23 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City Of YK - Inspector comment on notification for use of Yk Bay as water source - Feb4-16.pdf (112.84 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of temporary withdrawal of water from Yellowknife Bay - Nov13-15.pdf (122.81 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of 2015 Fiddlers Lagoon Decant - Sept3-15.pdf (122.11 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - Cityof YK - Inspector comments on Cell A Sump Leachate Discharge Notice - Jul24-15.pdf (113.48 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Response to Cell A Sump Leachate Discharge Notice - Jul24-15.pdf (112.5 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notice of Cell A Sump Leachate Discharge - Jul23-15.pdf (248.95 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Request for comments on Water Withdrawal from Yellowknife Bay - Apr7-16.pdf (692.57 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Correspondence on Fiddlers Lake Lagoon Control Structure - Feb12-15.pdf (367.99 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Inspector Comments on 2014 Second Quarter Report - Aug27-14.pdf (139.48 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Inspector Comments on 2014 decant plans - Aug27-14.pdf (120.51 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of 2014 Fiddlers Lagoon Decant - Aug26-14.pdf (170.54 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Second Quater Report for 2014 - Jul30-14.pdf (182.75 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of 2013 Fiddlers Lagoon Decant - Aug21-13.pdf (123.63 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of YK - Notification of 2012 Fiddlers Lagoon Decant - Aug13-12.pdf (184.19 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of Yk - Permission to Discharge - Biotreatment Pad - INAC Inspector - Oct21-11.pdf (42.02 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of Yk - Notification of Tour - YK Stormwater Infastructure - Sept15-11.pdf (27.41 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of Yk - Notice - 2011 Sewage Lagoon Decant - Aug16-11.PDF (22.56 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of Yk - Permission to Discharge - Biotreatment Pad - INAC Inspector - Jul19-11.pdf (37.32 KB)
MV2009L3-0007 - City of Yk - Notice - 2010 Sewage Lagoon Decant - Aug18-10.pdf (22.96 KB)