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DIAND-GIANT - MV2007L8-0031

Giant Mine Remediation Project - an abandoned and orphaned former gold mine located in Yellowknife. Replaces expired water licence N1L2-0043 Referred to Environmental Assessment - EA0809-001 in 2008; Post-EA Information Package submitted April 1, 2019; Board recommended Minister approval of Type A Water Licence August 7, 2020; Issuance of Type A Water Licence September 18, 2020
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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Letter to DIAND-GIANT Re Post-EA Submission Requirements for WL and LUPA - Aug20-14.pdf (519.27 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Email Re Alternatives North concerns on Preliminary Screening Scope for Jo Jo Lake - Feb27-12.pdf (63.2 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - City of Yellowknife Referral for Environmental Assessment - Mar31-08.pdf (1.83 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Letter to YKDFN Re Board Decision on Preliminary Screening - Mar19-08.pdf (311.93 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Staff Report -New Water Licence Application- Feb.21-08.pdf (1.73 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Email Re Retaining Structures - Feb10-08.pdf (44.71 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Email Re Fuel Use and Storage - Feb.08-08.pdf (166.35 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Email Re PowerSupply - Feb04-08.pdf (44.77 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Application Deemed Complete - Oct18-07.pdf (170.81 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Application Received - Oct18-07.pdf (1.49 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Water Licence Application Cover Letter - Oct.18-07.pdf (61.1 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Giant Mine Remediation Plan Figures - Jul-07.pdf (11.04 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document A10 - GIANT Mine Migratory Bird Survey - Dec16-04.pdf (28.03 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document A11 - Baseline Air-Quality Monitoring at Giant Mine - Jun05.pdf (922.7 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document A01 - YKDFN TK Report - Oct13-05.pdf (5.71 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Supporting Document A03 - Ecological Investigation at Giant Mine - Dec12-03.pdf (28.75 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document A04 - Biological Sampling at Baker Creek 2002 - Nov-02.pdf (24.4 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document A06 - Baker Creek Fish Habitat and Rehabilitation Study - Oct21-98.pdf (6.8 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document B03 - Giant Mine Tailings Backfill - Jul10-02.pdf (571.33 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supprting Document B04 - Underground Mine Water Chemistry - May-05.pdf (2.44 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document B07 - Geochemical Characterization Of Other Sources - May-05.pdf (3.96 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document C02 - Water Balance Update - Dec2-04.pdf (49.65 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document C03_- Groundwater Monitoring System Installation - Jan-05.pdf (18.75 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document E01 - Crown Pillar Stability Investigation - Jan17-06.pdf (2.27 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document G01 - Giant Mine Flood Hydrology - Nov23-04.pdf (189.17 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document G03 - Baker Creek Seepage Investigation into C1 Pit - Dec21-04.pdf (2.24 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document H01 - Giant Mine Borrow Investigation - Dec-04.pdf (36.49 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document H02 - Potential Borrow Areas - Sept3-04.pdf (348.17 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document H03 - Summary of Potential Borrow Sources - Oct7-05.pdf (4.25 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document J01 - Conceptual Engineering for Ground Freezing - Jan-06.pdf (9.44 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Doc K02 - Soil and GW Characterization in Calcine and Mill Area - Mar-04.pdf (3.51 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document L01 - Water Treatment Update - Aug-06.pdf (347.76 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document N01 - Tier 2 Risk Assessment - Jan-06.pdf (5.48 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document - Q01 - Cooperation Agreement - DIAND-GNWT - Mar15-05.pdf (1008.8 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document Q04 - Environmental Impact Matrix - Jul-07.pdf (550.59 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Giant Mine Remediation Plan - Jul-07.pdf (1.24 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Giant Mine Remediation Plan - GMRP - Supporting Document Index - Jul30-08.pdf (259.21 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document A02 - Baseline Reference Study List - Nov-04.pdf (121.29 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document A05 - Biological Sampling at Baker Creek 2003 - Apr-04.pdf (20.35 MB)
MV2007L8-0031- DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document A08 - Arsenic and fish from Back Bay - Aug3-04.pdf (3.24 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document A09 - Muskrat Sample Collection Program at Baker Creek - Dec15-04.pdf (2.75 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document B01 - Arsenic Trioxide Structural Geology Project - Dec-02.pdf (2.03 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document B02 - Geochemistry of Mine Waste - Sept-01.pdf (10.25 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document B05 - SNP Monitoring Summary - Apr27-05.pdf (2.05 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document B06 - Surface Water Chemistry - May-05.pdf (7.14 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document C01 - Giant Mine Hydrogeology - Dec-02.pdf (1.68 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document C04 - Groundwater Monitoring System Update - Dec-04.pdf (3.64 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document C05 - Groundwater Modelling Results - Jun-05.pdf (24.95 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document C06 - Groundwater Modelling Update - Oct-05.pdf (2.84 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document D01 - Crown Pillar Stability Evaluation - May-05.pdf (8.06 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document D02 - Arsenic Trioxide Chamber Drilling and Testing - Jun-05.pdf (17.81 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document F01 - Review of Yellowknife Bay Tailings - Apr-04.pdf (80.73 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document F02 - Distribution of Historic Tailings in YK Bay - Sept9-05.pdf (23.71 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document F03 - Re-mobilization of Arsenic in Yellowknife Bay - Jun30-04.pdf (2.81 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document G02 - Baker Creek Restoration Concepts - Mar-05.pdf (34.02 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document I01 - Distribution of Arsenic in Surficial Materials - Oct-05.pdf (19.37 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document I02 - Petroleum Hydrocarbon Assessment - May-01.pdf (18.41 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document K01 - Tailings and Sludge Containment Reas Remediatiom Plan - Dec-.pdf (32.75 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document L02 - Effluent Dilution Study - Aug15-05.pdf (380.5 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Supporting Document P01 - Public Consultation and Communications - 07.pdf (4.55 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document Q02 - Applicable Legislation, Policies and Guidelines -.pdf (45.99 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document Q03 - Withdrawal Order in Council - Jun15-05.pdf (53.59 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document Q05 - Scoping of Potential Cumulative Effects - Jul-07.pdf (160.49 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Supporting Document Q06 - Socio-Economic Impact Assessment -.pdf (226.97 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND - GIANT - Comment Summary Table - Draft Permit and Licence Conditions - July3_20.pdf (1.71 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND - GIANT - Comment Summary Table - Response to Information Request - July 3_20.pdf (993.27 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Updated Work Plan - Jun30-20.pdf (104.94 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Email From Board Staff to CIRNAC RE Time Limit Extenstion - GMRP Process - June5-20.pdf (170.19 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 and MV2019X007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Response to Information Requests - Draft Licence Comments - May25-20.pdf (289.68 KB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Information Request - GMRP - May15-20.pdf (240.45 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Review 2 of 7 - Water Licene Post-EA Information Package - Review Comment Table.pdf (532.48 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Review 4 of 7 - Preliminary Screening Information - Review Comment Table.pdf (167.13 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Review 5 of 7 - Closure and Reclamation Plan - Review Comment Table.pdf (1.19 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Review 7 of 7 - Management Plans (Other) - Review Comment Table.pdf (347.27 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Emails to CIRNAC - Time Limit Extension Request - Giant Mine Proceeding - Apr17-19.pdf (72.16 KB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Review 1 of 7 - Land Use Permit Application - Review Comment Table.pdf (111.79 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Review 3 of 7 - Management Plans Group 1 (Standard) - Review Comment Table.pdf (183.17 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Review 6 of 7 - Management Plans Group 2 (Water) - Review Comment Table.pdf (735.04 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Health Canada Comments on the Giant Mine Water License Application - Aug19-19.pdf (98.89 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-CARD - Revised Work Plan V4 - - Jul12-19.pdf (88.6 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Giant Mine Remediation Project - Proponent Response Extension - Jun18-19.pdf (245 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Request for extension to submit Response to review comments - Jun18-19.pdf (67.47 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - News North Notice of Recommencement pf Regulatory Process - - April 15 2019.pdf (761.48 KB)
MV2019X00007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - REquest for extension on Comment Submission Deadline - YKDFN - May 10 201e.pdf (241.67 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Giant Mine Remediation Project - Notice of Review Comment Deadline Extension - May.pdf-.pdf (246.02 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Response to Request for Techinical Adisor as Engaged Expert - City of YK - May9-19.pdf (99.5 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Request for Techinical Adisor as Engaged Expert - City of YK - May3-19.pdf (62.98 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-CARD - Giant - Work Plan - Staff Report and Comments - May1-19.pdf (389.9 KB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Proponent Response Deadline and Work Plan - Apr11-19.pdf (362.98 KB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Summary of Post-EA Information Package Review Plan and Work Plan - Apr8-19.pdf (371.14 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - AANDC - CARD - August 11, 2016 WG Meeting Minutes - Aug10-17.pdf (374.52 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - AANDC - CARD - August 11 2016 WG Meeting Minutes - Aug10-17.pdf (374.52 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Notice of Type A WL and LUP Package - Feb18-19.pdf (88.45 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Quantitiative Risk Assessment - May Workshop Agenda - May22-18.pdf (836.41 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Notice to Parties for Interest in Workshop - Closure and Reclamation - Dec8-17.pdf (2.09 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Notice of Intent to Submit Applications - Dec8-17.pdf (2.62 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMOB Evaluation and Recommendations - Measure 6 - Oct10-17.pdf (422.59 KB)
MV2008L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment - Public Meeting Information - Sep29-17.pdf (209.68 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Status of Project Response to MVLWB Letter - Alternatives North Response - Sep21-17.pdf (74.99 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Status of Project Responses to MVLWB Letter Distributed - Aug18-17.pdf (59.57 KB)