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DIAND-GIANT - MV2007L8-0031

Giant Mine Remediation Project - an abandoned and orphaned former gold mine located in Yellowknife. Replaces expired water licence N1L2-0043 Referred to Environmental Assessment - EA0809-001 in 2008; Post-EA Information Package submitted April 1, 2019; Board recommended Minister approval of Type A Water Licence August 7, 2020; Issuance of Type A Water Licence September 18, 2020
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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GMRP - AQMR for week ending July 22, 2023 - Aug2_23.pdf (360.87 KB)
GMRP - Blasting Notice - Aug1_23.pdf (165.28 KB)
GMRP - Notification - Upcoming 2023 Annual Geotechnical Inspection for Site Dams - Jul28_23.pdf (80.93 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Temporary Waste Storage Area (DEB-011) - Inspector Response - Jul26_23.pdf (217.33 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Temporary Waste Storage Area (DEB-011) - Jul26_23.pdf (371.98 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Notice of Intent to Cease Discharge - Jul27_23.pdf (109.84 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Backfill Additional Borehole Location - Inspector Response - Jul24_23.pdf (147.32 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Backfill Additional Borehole Location - Jul24_23.pdf (279.05 KB)
GMRP - Notification - Start of Quarry Activities - Jul17_23.pdf (130.47 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - New Townsite Deconstruction Laydown Area - Jul19_23.pdf (303.92 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Sample Drilling Access Road Repair - Jul11_23.pdf (267.83 KB)
GMRP - Notification of 2023 Annual Geotechnical Inspection of Site Dams - Jul6_23.pdf (77.44 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Sample Drilling Program - Jul6_23.pdf (287.2 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Intent to Discharge - Daily Testing Update - 48hr Rainbow Trout Toxicity Testing - Jun30_23.pdf (123.57 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Intent to Discharge - 96hr Rainbow Trout Toxicity Testing - Preliminary Results - Jun30_23.pdf (65.72 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Notice of Intent to Discharge - Pre-Discharge Sample Analysis - Jun30_23.pdf (469.43 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Intent to Discharge - Final Acute Toxicity Sampling Report - Jul5_23.pdf (419.33 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Investigative Drilling Program - Start of Work - Jul5_23.pdf (575.66 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Additives - Updated - Jun29_23.pdf (15.73 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Debris Pile Work Activities - Jun13_23.pdf (787.56 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Work Notice for Water Treatnent Plant Construction - Jun1_23.pdf (1.21 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Work Notice for Water Treatment Plant Construction - Inspector Response - Jun1_23.pdf (103.09 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Road upgrade - May24_23.pdf (1.16 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Additives - May1_23.pdf (221.98 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Additives - Apr24_23.pdf (433.42 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Authorization of Waste Storage Area - Apr25_23.pdf (293.19 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Highly Contaminated Waste Storage Area - Correspondence - Apr17_23.pdf (208.05 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Authorization of Highly Contaminated Waste Storage Area - Apr13_23.pdf (313.46 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Backfill Project Update 2023 Start of Activities - Apr11_23.pdf (122.94 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Submission of Letter of Acceptance - Off-site Registered Waste Receiver - Apr4_23.pdf (347.45 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of 2023 Landfill Activities - Apr4_23.pdf (205.17 KB)
GMRP - LUI Request for Approval of Revised Equipment List - Apr4_23.pdf (149.52 KB)
GMRP - Annual Review of Plans for 2023 - Mar31_23.pdf (495.63 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Letter of Acceptance - Off-site Registered Waste Receiver - Mar27_23.pdf (306.83 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Townsite Deconstruction Start of Project - Mar27_23.pdf (1.72 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification- Townsite Deconstruction Start of Project - Mar10_23.pdf (1.72 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Approval Request - W65 Self Rescuers - Feb7_23.pdf (190.38 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Approval Request - Bear Spray - Feb7_23.pdf (177.13 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Approval Request - Drägersorb-400 - Feb7_23.pdf (200.69 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Near Water Road Repair - Jan13_23.pdf (701.34 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Notification of Pre-WTP Construction Activities - Dec6_22.pdf (696.48 KB)
GMRP - Notification - Dust Monitoring - Low and Moderate Action Level Exceedance - Dec4_22.pdf (208.75 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Approval of a Waste Storage Area - Nov21_22.pdf (668.88 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Wind Low and Moderate Action Level Exceedance - Nov16_22.pdf (178.71 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Approval of a Waste Storage Area - Nov9_22.pdf (1.11 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Additives - Nov7_22.pdf (566.87 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - NHWL update - Sludge Cell Repair Design - Nov7_22.pdf (773.4 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Wind Low and Moderate Action Level Exceedance - Oct14_22.pdf (103.11 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Wind Low and Moderate Action Level Exceedance - Oct12_22.pdf (104.2 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Authorization of hazardous Waste Staging Area - Oct6_22.pdf (1.3 MB)
GMRP - Notification - Dust Monitoring - Moderate Action Level Exceedance - Oct3_22.pdf (215.42 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Cessation of Discharge - Sep23_22.pdf (114.52 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Notification of Ground Disturbance on Hazardous Material Storage - Sep14_22.pdf (463.57 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Moderate Wind Action Level Exceedance - Sep11_22.pdf (184.6 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Spill Notification - Sep1_22.pdf (427.04 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - South Pond Dewatering Start of Work - Aug17_22.pdf (128.49 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Spill Notification - Aug5_22.pdf (211.61 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Spill Notification - Jul20_22.pdf (320.72 KB)
GMRP - Wind Notifications - Low and Moderate Action Level Exceedance - Jun26_22.pdf (197.83 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification Notification of Ground Disturbance on B2 Dam - Jun23_22.pdf (133.4 KB)
GMRP - Low and Moderate Action Level Wind Exceedance - Jun17_22.pdf (217.58 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Low Mine Water Action Level Exceedance - Jun20_22.pdf (277.86 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Notification of Ground Disturbance on Dam 1 -Jun16_22.pdf (137.92 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Non Hazardous Waste Landfill Start of Work - Jun8_22.pdf (743.93 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Backfill Project Update - Jun8_22.pdf (175.42 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Pre-Discharge Sampling Commenced - Jun3_22.pdf (169.71 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Change of Approved Chemical Use - Jun3_22.pdf (653.02 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Test Pitting Activities - Jun3_22.pdf (251.34 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification -Aggregate Material Geochemical Results - May31_22.pdf (3.5 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Pre-Discharge Sampling Results - Jun1_22.pdf (558.03 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Notification of Test Pitting Activities - May26_22.pdf (247.86 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Care and Maintenance Interim Waste Disposal - Inspector Response - May16_22.pdf (148.8 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Backfill Access Road Construction - May25_22.pdf (1.05 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification -Early Works Backfill Project Update - May20_22.pdf (334.87 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Notice of intent to discharge - May16_22.pdf (138.96 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Care and Maintenance Interim Waste Disposal - May13_22.pdf (100.87 KB)
GMRP - Notification - Low and Moderate Dust MMP Action Level Exceedances - May13_22.pdf (237.38 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Baker Creek Overflow Pause in Work - May10_22.pdf (80.94 KB)
GMRP - Notification - Dust Level Exceedences - May9_22.pdf (153.83 KB)
GMRP - Weekly Construction Report - Baker Creek Overflow - May9_22.pdf (485.85 KB)
GMRP - Weekly Construction Report - Baker Creek Overflow - Apr29_22.pdf (796.04 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Tire Shredding - Apr27_22.pdf (300.16 KB)
GMRP -Weekly Construction Report - Baker Creek Overflow - Apr21_22.pdf (1.65 MB)
GMRP - Weekly Construction Report - Baker Creek Overflow - Apr14_22.pdf (761.39 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Tire Shredding - Apr11_22.pdf (510.28 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Overflowing Baker Creek - Arp8_22.pdf (446.43 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Brock Pit Roadway Construction - Apr8_22.pdf (543.24 KB)
GMRP - Weekly Construction Report - Baker Creek Overflow - Apr7_22.pdf (597.3 KB)
GMRP - Weekly Construction Report - Baker Creek Overflow - Mar30_22.pdf (700.91 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Weekly Construction Report for Baker Creek Overflow - Mar24_22.pdf (740.4 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Weekly Construction Report for Baker Creek Overflow - Mar18_22.pdf (183.58 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Inspection Report for Baker Creek Overflow and Correspondence - Mar18_22.pdf (1.14 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Additives - Mar8_22.pdf (634.03 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Weekly Construction Report for Baker Creek Overflow and Correspondence - Mar7_22.pdf (2.52 MB)
GMRP - Continuation of Baker Creek Overflow Emergency Work - Feb23_22.pdf (746.02 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Overflowing Baker Creek - Work Plan - Feb2_22.pdf (1.58 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Overflowig Baker Creek - Inspector Response - Feb2_22.pdf (191.62 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Authorization Temporary Waste Storage - Feb1_22.pdf (325.84 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Overflowing Baker Creek - Feb1_22.pdf (696.08 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request to Authorize Temporar Waste Storage - Response - Feb1_22.pdf (162.55 KB)