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Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - MV2007L8-0025

Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - replacing N1L2-0040. Activities include the initial phase of closure from 2007 to 2010 (decomissioning, demolition, site cleanup and revegetation) and the intital phase of post-closure monitoring and maintenance of the site (2011-2013). Renewed into MV2017L8-0008.


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Con Mine -Notice of seasonal ceased discharge 31-Aug-2017 - Aug31-17.pdf (130.59 KB)
MV20107L8-0025 - MNML - Con Mine - 2017 Intent to Discharge from Seasonal Final Discharge Point - Jun19-17.pdf (140.98 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Summary Report - Robertson Headframe Decommissioning - Feb1-17.pdf (2.6 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Robertson Headframe Demo - Response to Walt Humphries - Oct27-16.pdf (125.71 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Con Mine - Notice of Headframe Demolishion - Oct27-16.pdf (80.75 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Comments on Robertson Head Frame Demolition - Walt Humphries - Oct20-16.pdf (753.25 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML- Con Mine Robertson Headframe.pdf (3.9 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Robertson Shaft Demolition - Email.pdf (2.6 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Con Mine - Discharge of Treated Effluent -Ceased 2016 treatment season - Sept 12_16.pdf (591.76 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Notice of intent to discharge - Jun15-16.pdf (307.33 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Notice of Discharge of treated effluent ceased September 30 2015 - Sept30-15.pdf (307.7 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Notice of Intent to Discharge - Sept9-15.pdf (175.84 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Notice of Standard Operating Procedures submission - Jan12-15.pdf (98.9 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar Northern Mining - Certificate of Analysis - May5-14.pdf (235.9 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 -Notification of Modification to the WTP- Dec21-11.pdf (4.14 MB)
MV2007L8-0025- Notification of Modification to Water Treatment Plant- Dec9-11.pdf (1.5 MB)
MV2007L8-0025- Lakeshore Clean up-Follow up- Oct5-11.pdf (840.53 KB)
MV2007L8-0025- Boneyard clean up - follow-up- Oct5-11.pdf (740.59 KB)
MV2007L8-0025-GeothermalMeetingMinutes-Aug8-11.pdf (165.79 KB)
MV2007L8-0025-Arsenic-HydrocarbonDisposal-LakeshorePumphouse-Jun28-11.pdf (56.79 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Disposal of Material Contaminated with Bunker C and Arsenic - Jun28-11.pdf (50.55 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Backfilling of Catch Basins - Jun20-11.pdf (423.79 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Bend Plant Demolition - Jun17-11.pdf (3.56 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Lakeshore Pumphouse Demolition Summary - Jun16-11.pdf (605.63 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Con Mine is PCB Free - Jun13-11.pdf (991.59 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Commencement of Pumping - May04-11.pdf (87.08 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Substantial Completion of Closure Cap Shaft C1 - Apr04-11.pdf (86.77 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Notice of Shut Down - Aug26-10.pdf (53.77 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Notification of Discharge - Jul22-10.pdf (71.94 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - 2009 Update - Mine Flooding Plan to Distribution List - Mar10-10.pdf (554.06 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Results of Arsenic Testing - Jan07-10.pdf (40.02 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - 2008 Stability Assessment Report - May7-09.pdf (173.4 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Rob Shaft-Concrete Capping Exemption - May01-09.pdf (82.19 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Taylor Road Swamp - Pumping Notification.pdf (73.13 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Reclamation Criteria Planning - CE Jones - Apr27-09.pdf (1.38 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Structural Assessment Report - Apr17-09.pdf (4.94 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Taylor Road Dam Review - Golder - Apr7-09.pdf (1.29 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Notification of Cessation of Discharge - July30-08.pdf (142.65 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Notification of Discharge at SNP 0040-1 - July03-08.pdf (144.51 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Rob Shaft - Concrete Capping - Approval - Jun19-08.pdf (137.33 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar acquisition by Newmont and MCML Response - Dec17-07.pdf (419.14 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MCML Response to Acquisition Concerns - Jan03-08.pdf (142.39 KB)