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Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - MV2007L8-0025

Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - replacing N1L2-0040. Activities include the initial phase of closure from 2007 to 2010 (decomissioning, demolition, site cleanup and revegetation) and the intital phase of post-closure monitoring and maintenance of the site (2011-2013). Renewed into MV2017L8-0008.


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8. Closure and Reclamation
Final Closure and Reclamation Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - C and R Plan - Approval - Closure Objectives and Criteria Tables - Mar16-17.pdf (677.46 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - Closure Objectives and Criteria Tables - Staff Report and Comments - Mar16-17.pdf (932.58 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Closure and Reclamation - Updated Objective and Criteria Table - Jan27-17.pdf (742.83 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Vegetation Establishment Monitoring Program Report - Dec14-16.pdf (2.59 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Con - Updated Closure and Reclamation Plan Approval - Jun9-16.pdf (106.66 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Con - Approval - Updated Closure and Reclamation Plan - Staff Report and Comments - Jun9-16.pdf (1.22 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Con Mine - Closure Objectives and Criteria Tables 2016 Revision - Mar26-16.pdf (120.36 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Revised MVLWB Comment - Closure Objectives and Criteria Tables - Jan15-16.pdf (117.45 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Amended Response to Closure and Reclamation Plan - Approval Decision Directives - Jan6-16.pdf (118.91 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Response to 2014 Updated C and R Plan Approval Directive - Jul2-15.pdf (144.25 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Information in support of Approved Closure plan for the Con Tailing Containment Area - Jun30-15.pdf (6.18 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - 2014 UCRP Approval Directives - Cover Letter and Criteria Matrix - Jun30-15.pdf (674.52 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Supplemental Closure and Reclamation Information - Jun 30_15.pdf (5.69 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Comment Deadline Extension granted - Reclamation Status Report - May20-15.pdf (122.83 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Request for comments on Reclamation Status Report - May14-15.pdf (93.43 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML- Closure and Reclamation Plan Approval letter - Mar30-15.pdf (131.08 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - MVLWB Reponse to Closure and Reclamation Plan - Off Lease Areas - Mar30-15.pdf (117.46 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Closure and Reclamation Plan - Staff Report and Comments - Mar30-15.pdf (1.24 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Email from Kevon O Reilly regarding security on CRP - Oct30-14.pdf (141.13 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Response to Updated Email notification of Summary of discussion - Security Reduction - Oct27-14.pdf (119.61 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Email notification of Summary of discussion - Security Reduction - Oct22-14.pdf (94.4 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Comment on Closure and Reclamation Plan - City of YK - Aug14-14.pdf (94.86 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Comments on Closure and Reclamation Plan - Kevin O Reilly - Aug14-14.pdf (925.27 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Con Mine Closure and Reclamation Plan - IR response from City of Yellowknife - Aug8-14.pdf (614.05 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - City response to IR - Rat lake infracture - Aug7-14.pdf (148.99 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - IR Response -City of YK regarding Rat Lake -Aug7-14.pdf.pdf (107.45 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Email regarding Esso Lands - Remedication - Kevin O Reilly - Jul24-14.pdf (92.56 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Notice of Requested Documents posted to ORS - Jul24-14.pdf (83.51 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Comment on Final Closure and Reclamation Plan - YKDFN - Jul24-14.pdf (257.24 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - GNWT response to Kevin O Reilly email - C and R Plan regarding Esso Lands - Jul24-14.pdf (110.47 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Updated Closure and Reclamation Plan-Tech Sessions - Requested Documents - Jul23-14.pdf (176.46 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Closure and Reclamation Plan - Email regarding Esso Lands - Jul23-14.pdf (84.52 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - MNML Combined responses to GNWT IR - Jul23-14.pdf (899.55 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Con Mine - Tech Session combined response information request from GNWT - Jul22-14.pdf (832.45 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Information request - Technical Session for Closure and Reclamation Plan - Jul21-14.pdf (178.82 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Information Request (IR) to city - Rat lake infrastucture capacity Tech Session - Jul17_14.pdf (99.86 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 -MNML - Notice of location of techinal session transcripts on Public Registry - Jul18-14.pdf (83.58 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - SNP 40-1 Water Quality Roll Up - TDS and Anions - Jul18-14.pdf (34.01 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Updated work plan and IR requests from Technical Session - Jul17-14.pdf (224.14 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar Con - Updated Work Plan CRP - Jul17_14.pdf (101.65 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Closure and Reclamation - Technical Session - Day 2 - Jul16-14.pdf (1.08 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Closure and Reclamation - Tech Session - Day 1 - Jul15-14.pdf (742.02 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Agenda and presentations for July 15 2014 Technical session - Closure and Reclamation - Jul14-14.pdf (347.13 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Updated Work plan for Closure and Reclamation Plan - Jul9-14.pdf (225.22 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Updated Closure and Reclamation Plan - Jul2_14.pdf (13.84 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Notice of Revised Workplan for C and R Plan submission - Comment Deadlines - Jun27-14.pdf (322.76 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar Con - Revised dates Work plan C and R plan and security 2014 - Jun27-14.pdf (253.47 KB)
MV007L8-0025 - MNML - Reclamation Status Update Staff Report - Security - Jun19-14.pdf (80.97 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar Con Mine - Tech Session Draft Agenda - Jun16_14.pdf (93.47 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Request for comments on Draft Work plan for C and R Plan - Jun5-14.pdf (266.04 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Arsenic Soil Data - Golder Report Feb 05 - Jul17_14.pdf (4.36 MB)