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Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - MV2007L8-0025

Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - replacing N1L2-0040. Activities include the initial phase of closure from 2007 to 2010 (decomissioning, demolition, site cleanup and revegetation) and the intital phase of post-closure monitoring and maintenance of the site (2011-2013). Renewed into MV2017L8-0008.


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5. Reports and Studies
Designs and As-Builts
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Con Mine - Hazardous Waste Disposal Site cover Aa-Built Report - Mar24-16.pdf (100.59 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Con Mine - Hazardous Waste Site - As Built - Mar24-16.pdf (114.15 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Water Treatment Plant As-Built Report - Dec7-15.pdf (24.87 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - AAND CARD - Giant - EEM Meeting Minutes - Dec06-15.pdf (626.96 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Request for extension to submit As Built Report - Water Treatment Plant - Dec4-15.pdf (131 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - As-Built Report - Water Treatment - Extension Request - Dec4-15.pdf (30.28 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - Con Mine As -Builts - Apr12-15.pdf (24.52 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MNML - C103 Stope and Prospect shaft cap Report - Jan16-15.pdf (6.54 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar - TCA Cover Design Report Approved - Jun27-13.pdf (407.57 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar - Hazardous Waste Disposal Site Cover Design Report Plan Approved - Jun27-13.pdf (400.59 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar Con Mine - Question about the historic tailings - May7-13.pdf (86.97 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar Con Mine - Con and Negus Ponds Cover deisgn plan - May7-13.pdf (48.22 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar Con Mine - Request for comments on Hazardous Waste Disposal Site and Upper and Middle Pud - Apr23-13.pdf (124.69 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar Con - Justification for Con and Negus Pond Cover Design - Apr10-13.pdf (711.45 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Cover Design Tailing Containment and Hazardous Waste Sites- Dec03-12.pdf (5.02 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Con Mine - Cover Design - Cost Benefit Analysis - Dec11-12.pdf (559.26 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Con Mine - Cover Design for Upper, Middle Pud TCA, Con Pond, Negus Pond and the Blend Plant area - Dec11-12.pdf (6.14 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Miramar - Tailing Containment areas and Hazardous Waste Sites - Dec3-12.pdf (199.94 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - MME Regulations evaluation of 2012 EEM Study Design - Aug13-12.pdf (75.04 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Comments on EEM 2012 Study Design - EC - May17-12.pdf (289.91 KB)
MV2007L8-0025- Negus 115 As-Built Report (2)- Sept6-11.pdf (7.87 MB)
MV2007L8-0025- As Built Report- Sept2-11.pdf (5.42 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Receipt of Final As-Built report - Mar10-10.pdf (72.42 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Tailings Cover Design - Oct22-09.pdf (45.48 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - EM -As-Built Report - Backfilling Rob Shaft Ventilation Raise - Jul6-09.pdf (3.65 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Robertson Ventilation Raise Closure As-built Report - Jun29-09 - Jul10-09.pdf (15.33 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - As-Built Report Received- Negus Slot Raise - Mar19-09.pdf (107.5 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - As-Built Report - Final - Negus Slot Raise - Mar18-09.pdf (1.71 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - As-Built Draft Report Received - Mar16-09.pdf (112.21 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - As-Built Report and Drawings - Feb26-09.pdf (19.36 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - WSCC Inspection of Concrete Caps - July21-08.pdf (78.28 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Upper Pud Spillway As-Built Drawings - Jun24-08.pdf (2.26 MB)
MV2007L8-0025 - C-1 As-Built Drawings Con Mine - Jun13-08.pdf (484.9 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - 204Q Stope Closure Caps- Design Drawings Dwg 072084-000-301 Rev.2 - Feb.14-08.pdf (321.42 KB)
MV2007L8-0025 - Negus Vent Closure Caps- Dwg 072084-000-301 Rev.3 - Feb14-08.pdf (404.01 KB)