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Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. - MV2004C0001

Airborne and ground geophysical surveys to be followed by diamond drilling if suitable targets are delineated  


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2004C0001 - Staff Report - Final Clearance - Jul07-11.pdf (101.11 KB)
MV2004C0001 - Final Clearance - Jul07-11.pdf (141.85 KB)
MV2004C0001 - INAC Closure Reccomendation - Jun23-11.pdf (40.93 KB)
MV2004C0001 - Final Plan Verification Request - Apr07-11.pdf (69.84 KB)
MV2004C0001 - Final Plan - Inspector Recommendation - Mar18-11.pdf (31.73 KB)
MV2004C0001 - Peregrine - Final Plan - Mar10-11.pdf (1.39 MB)
MV04C01 Final Plan Request Dec16-08.pdf (114.8 KB)