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Bathurst Inlet Development Ltd. - MV2001J0037

existing camp used to accommodate tourists  
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Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV01J37-LUPExtApr-BathurstInlet-Feb28-Mar07.pdf (178.7 KB)
MV01J37-StaffReport-Extn-Feb22-07.pdf (142.68 KB)
MV01J37-AcknowledgeofExtension-Jan07.pdf (151.74 KB)
MV01J37-ExtensionRequest-Jan07.pdf (44.14 KB)
MV01J37-FinalPlanRequest-Jan07.pdf (151.59 KB)
MV01J37-EM-Inspectors-OKwithExtension-Feb07.pdf (13.24 KB)
MV01J37-ResponsetoInspectionRpt-Oct06.pdf (86.87 KB)
MV01J37-InspectionReport-Oct06.pdf (2.54 MB)
mv2001j0037PermitDec01.PDF (378.09 KB)
mv2001j0037appApr01.pdf (1.28 MB)
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2001J0037 - Final Clearance - INAC - Jan27-10.pdf (63.62 KB)
MV2001J0037 - Payment Requisition - Jan12-10.pdf (242.02 KB)
MV2001J0037 - Final Clearance Letter - Jan07-10.pdf (175.59 KB)
MV2001J0037 - Staff Report - Jan07-10.pdf (98.57 KB)
MV2001J0037 - Final Plan Comments - INAC - Dec22-09.pdf (63.25 KB)
MV2001J0037 - Final Plan - Nov18-09.pdf (226.07 KB)
MV2001J0037 - Final Plan Request - May6-09.pdf (110.93 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2001J0037 - Crown Consultation - INAC - Jan29-10.pdf (140.76 KB)